Dagan gives you a Tour of Campus Point!
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I would like to search for now, but done with the best idea. There's Quoyle point, not at the end of campus way OB sedan, So right now I'm on the east on the campus. Coal oil is on the west on the campus, but this is what it's all about right here if you check it out so pretty up here, and this is one of the coolest things that I can piss has to offer. In my opinion, right there, you can see Santa Cruz Island, so it's one of the Channel five islands. We have Santa Cruz, Anacapa, Santa Catalina and a few others. So they're named after these islands that are off the coast of Santa Barbara. This is a really good view right now of the tide, just like way out there. So there's tide pools, which really cool the check out as well if you come to campus. I personally just loved going up here, Sheldon, and watching the sunset. So the active fault, actually, it's, I believe, a subversion fault. So one goes under the another and you can see, like Tara rising. So sometimes our beach alak Tarr covering it just because tar leaks out of this vault. Supercool but nonetheless awesome place come just hang out.