Dagan gives you a tour of DLG - the main Dining Hall on Campus
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So I'm at deal, Jerry enough with one of my suitemates, Ricky. I'm busting my stuff run out, but I'll show you around campus and this is Ricky. So we just finished up today that fish tacos because the algae is one of the dining commons that offers Mexican food, so I'll just take a quick run around it. This is the Mexican station, so it's super cool from San Diego. So when I'm like in between classes, if I have like a one o'Clock class and class ends at twelve, I'll just come here, grab some food and then head out spot there's a pasta and pizza station down here. So they have some more pasta, and you can ask him to make you like sandwiches, which is really nifty super out for and then right here is last part. Then outside of geology is a little place where you can just eat outside with friends. There's some people slack lining out here right now, actually shoot to my close friends, Mike and Ginger. I'll show you the outside of the here and now I didn't interview about ltc out there on that. This is where Wass just asking with a bunch of people, and this is a bunch of there are not here just messing about my wave. That's my and this is just the outside of theology. You think he's going to do something cool, so I'll just show you one little thing.