Kiana's 1st Year Experience at Riverside

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This is a lot of diversity, And I met a lot of nice people, Had a lot of opportunities to learn. Like whatever you like, seen or experienced about every part s O for ones I used to go back home. I live in area with a lot of Asians, like ninety percent Asian. A bunch of different ethnicities like races and a lot of different majors and everything. It's, like like, interesting to see what other people are interested in. Um, that shift your perspective or you're like gold at all. Have you, like, been inspired by someone else or, like, you know, be inspired to do something because of the divers to hear? Yeah, definitely. I've had really good professors like Dr Rogers thing. I think the Professor's are really, like, enthusiastic about what they're teaching. How about the workload? Is it easy? Hard or compared to high school? Were Lodi took a piece and I start to feel like they're really similar to that. The workload? Yeah, there were glued difficulties, like pretty similar room just now. I see why, if he's there like that, it's like college pros and cons about this school. I'm not used to walking this much, but I know I have another big. How about, uh, like in terms of getting her classes and stuff? Is that do you like that? I know you. Since your freshman, you're not really like Yeah, I haven't had a real experience of having to fight for a cause. It's just because I'm in the learning community where they like they save space. Yeah, I don't really have to fight for classes yet, but wait for me. What school did you want to go? I actually wanted to go to UC Irvine. Really? Because I know they have a really good business program, and I really want to, like, you learn a lot about this, is you Have you been there something like I'm experienced? I haven't actually visited there yet, but I know like I heard good things all the time with my friends that, you know, they're the ones are older than me. So there were some pros that you so far you've seen. There are people who are a little lower, like the people in the middle. It's not competitive like the environment feels, like, very comfortable. Um, how about a social life like concerts or, like, you know, going out? How have you experienced that? I go with my friends, get Boba sometimes. Actually, I didn't think it'd be fun for some reason. What does advice you give to your son yourself, senior? So study hard. Let's say you make yourself at graduation and you're like, Hey, like before you go to Riverside, you need to know forward. You need to be more open and less shy, and you need to try not to be awkward anymore. Don't be afraid to step out of your comfort zone and join organizations here.