Everything You Need to Know About UCLA Econ Majors

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So today we're actually gonna be doing a video on people that I know. Um, first question is Oh, it was What's your name? What's your major? Second question is, what do you enjoy about your major? Because when you graduated, you call Major, you don't really know, Like what that means, because there's a lot of qualitative classes wanted causes, and you got worried about you. Then you also take my really quantitatively have you a shit ton of math classes? Because if you says because I've been taking classes which are having so far, I know you like grass grows on the lawn like, isn't supposed to grow up, but it looks enough like this'll like like someone. What do you call Major? You should be like a philosophy now know. Okay question number two is what do you dislike about your major? Besides everything I feel like you guys gonna answer you like everything, e guess like, but it's just like it's really competitive and everything is great on occur. Because all interviews and everything is like, Oh, talk about, like when your leader, when he worked with a team and they really promote, like, being collaborative. Whereas your kind of pitted against one another in school, which is what I don't really like. So the next question is what professors you liked so far and which professors you don't like or like things that you've heard about certain professors, like they're really hard and like she's really easy. Katie, I guess I haven't really, But I have done right now where you come. He goes really fast, though his tests are very hard and I took Clyde or the tax class. For me, it was really hard because I was trying to find an internship and everything, like for the recruiting process, comes out really fast while trying to struggle like your first quarter usually and being on the quarter system from semester. Definitely just trying to max out your GP A your first quarter second quarter because a lot of clothes activities they hurt like they don't really have much to go off of. Except where, like your college, your high school experience. Generally speaking close don't really care what you did in high school. Uh, if you're trying to be any con major, So for transfers, I would say, like, just know what you want to do, like as soon as possible, because I guess for me it was like I don't know how to clear a path because I knew that I wanted to equal out, You see, like senior year of high school. Like my last semester, Lick Springs Mr. Before transferring, I wasn't really taking many other required classes, and there aren't that many that are required. So I'd say like if you plan ahead like you'll be fine, you'll get in on if you don't really have the best grades of community college trying broke up your resume and be really involved on campus, especially in leadership positions, because will definitely consider that. Also like if you're great, they're not as what your personal statements you to be really good. So you want to grab you like your stats from high school, like we're like, yeah, like for people who are applying as out of high school. Yeah, I like you said, Don't be Esther personal statements because that's really a time for you to shine and to differentiate yourself from the rest of the pack. Oh, this can run about basketball, Another basketball trash, another basketball trash, right? If you really don't like basketball worried about, yeah, if you actually like basketball, that's you, do you? But I'm just just trying to say, like the personal statement, Just a way for you to show what you're passionate about. So in high school, you have, like, your s a t a c t. Those need to be top notch. It doesn't really matter, because depending on where you come from, if you come from like a like a like a place. You know, the calf, my viewing 4.8 versus, like a place with, like, less opportunities on the AP Such ideas the maximum be 4.2. So it doesn't really matter what the overall, like natural score is for your weight, and your fate is more so. To what extent did you max out the highest GP can at your school? And they will factor that into account that I think teacher? No Teacher, communications private. Don't Don't think Morris better sometimes, like it's better to have more quality, that quantity, because I know for me, I just tried to, like, list out as much as possible, but honestly, like the titles aren't that meaningful. What is beautiful is that working do, especially if you can express that in your personal statements that will, like shine, because I know people that we were like two things for extracurriculars or something. So my friends David even have, like, time for extracurricular because they had to work to support their family during high school. If you don't have time and you know whatever circumstances you know, you could talk about the hardships and struggles and adversity that you faced because they met that adds, like dimension to your character. So bonus question is, do you think the stereotype like, Oh, people care about what you did in high school? It's true when you come into coach, like So, like Like yeah, like people think people judge you based on what you did in high school, like, Oh, you're varsity, Captain, I like you. Or it's like I was popular in high school, like I should probably realized, like, at least my senior year of high school, because I, like, stopped, um, doing cheer. I started working, and I realized once I started working, it was like no one cares about all the drama like it doesn't matter who is the most popular, like who's dating who like it really doesn't matter once you're like in the real world and you're working like everyone, just, you know, And when you're in high school, it doesn't matter. Then senior year, she got into a really good school. So you just have to, like, see through, like, who's really who's not. So if you did community service in high school, then you could talk about that. I've seen a lot where students, especially for specifically first years, They come in with these humongous egos, and I know because I want Oh, yeah, But it honestly, you just we come in because we're all like the big fish in the pond, right? We saw a lot of us were like, There's something about your eyes. Like whatever you were in high school, that really doesn't carry over because you're entering like a new like group slash Clear. You know, like, if you were cool like that doesn't mean no point being is that college is a new start is like it's a clean slate. So if you're coming, if you're a freshman or your your incoming freshmen definitely be proud of like what you did in like high school, right? But don't dig.