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Basically I wanted to show you guys how close it is as far as walking distance is, too, this place called University Town Center. So basically you TC consists of a lot of stores, a lot of restaurants. Um, it does also have apartment housing, which is considered off campus housing for all years. You can get an apartment they're your first year, or it's popular for a second to fourth years as well. Again, those air off campus and not school affiliated. They're literally right across the street right there. Students that area there, and then right across the street here is you see, UTC is so extremely convenient, honestly, walking distance as a freshman, it so helpful to be this close to a trader. Joe's a small miniature limited wall? No, uh, no. Just like food places, in case you get hungry at night and then if you see this long bridge right here and actually goes straight from Main campus to you to see next to Coldplay and the post office, just super convenient for everyone to be walking. There's also lots of buses and bus stops right here in front on the other side of the bridge. Since I'm already here and show you guys these Hargett so I can pick up a couple things while I'm at it, it's right over here. Um, it's actually a limit to target, So basically they only carry things that students would need. So don't expect it to be a full size everything target. Also next to it is like Veggie Girl Trader Joe's, Pete's Coffee nectar juice bar.