Walk with me and hear about Taking Classes for Your Major & Walking to Class
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It is currently Monday and I'm going to my only class of the day, which is, um, Maren Schmidt. It's one of my core lower division major classes. C I is that you get to start your major classes right away as a freshman, which is really nice because some schools make you, like complete all your random g's that air like English and writing in math and all that stuff, like within the first two years. So you don't really get any feel for your actual major until you're thirty years. That's not the case here, which actually saves a lot of time, especially if you end up wanting to change your major. I'm also taking other G classes, so I'm basically taking sixteen units this quarter, which is kind of like a regular amount twelve sixteen and two of those crosses RG classes, and two of those costs are major classes. I kind of wanted to touch on the time it takes to get to class. So I live in Mesa court, um, classics, which is the regular kind of smaller individual buildings. I leave for class fifteen minutes before it starts, and I barely get there on time. This is my closest, which is really kind of a long walk. Actually, if you think about it, some people say that it's not that bad. But, Toby honest, it takes a long time and gets a class. I do have a scooter, which is very popular here as well.