Frequently Asked Questions about UCI Part 1
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How big is You see, I Well, you see, I has around thirty three thousand students. There's a city nearby, the city of Irvine and that really, Ah, in capsule aids, Irvine, where is the second largest employer for the city of urban? And not only that All right, Irvine. You see, a University of California Irvine was more or less all built by something called the urban company. So they kind of control how parking is facilitated at UC I. They control many of the housing structures here. So you just want to have that in the back of your mind If you decide to come here that you see, I, uh we get a lot of money from the urban company as well in terms of funding for this school. Ah, that a lot of people aren't aware of when they first moved into you. See, I So the student body, we have something called a C associated soon. I and they're a huge organization that plans all the events we have shocked over fast. We have Ah, summer lands in the spring, these big concerts where a lot of ah, famous singers and rappers come in. You C I a lot of k pop, A lot of hip hop and a lot of dance groups. If you're walking through, you see how you're going to see people practicing, performing for a lot of the major events. We have a big Chinese and Indian population here, you see, I and along with that comes the er, uh, hi, uh, cultural influence here. So there's a lot of Chinese festival's happening. You see that? If you want, you could go on attend their Japanese drumming sessions. Um, so it's very cool to be exposed to other cultures when you come to you. CIA, uh, the academic culture, uh, it's it's big here, you know? You see, I s a universe. So there are a lot of, uh, you know, grad students here, a lot of first who's doing research? Um, but students as well, they're really focused on getting their grades, uh, a CZ and just really focusing understudies. Popular majors include computer science, especially biological sciences, business majors and humanities majors. Here, you see, uh, defining features of the campus is really Aldridge Park, which is right in the middle of campus. You could see that in one of the videos, and it's just amazing just to spend time there. Uh, Greek life is big here at UC I There's a lot of fraternities and sororities. I haven't been involved in any of them, but there are a lot of fun if you end up doing them. You see, I but there's over six hundred clubs here. You see, I so there definitely is a social scene, and if you think there isn't, it's just you not coming forth and getting yourself involved. There's a lot of sports here, every sport you can think of for a Division one school. Uh, there's also recreational sports at the arc. If you're interested in doing that, Um, there's soccer, basketball, Batman in water polo. If you said to do that, and for the best clubs and organizations on campus, I'd definitely say is, You see, I was one of them, if you want to get involved and student leadership, um, not only that, they're a couple of clubs I'm in. I'm in mace, which is management and information Student society, where a business and technology mashup club. So we have a lot of, uh, interviews, and, uh, just other people coming from other businesses presenting to us. So you can have a computer science and business field from that club. There's also a lot of CS related clubs, you know, Artificial intelligence machine learning Blockchain at UC I We have a huge hackathon called Hackett. You see, I that it happens during the winter, so I'm very excited for that. Generally, these clubs on campus, you're going to find you can find one that fits you.