UC Davis Finals Week
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
It is finals week, fall quarter 2018 And most of you who know me know me by my day in the life video U C Davis, which took place during finals week, winter quarter, 2018. So what better way to end this quarter than with another video? So this is gonna be a little vlog of my finals week, and I tend to think that my finals, because a little bit different than most people and let me explain what? So I am a cinema and digital media major, and I'm also taking a bunch of design classes. That means my finals are projects, which means designs, films, proposals, presentations, things like that. Those are usually do on the last week of classes rather than on finals week. I can go back home for the holidays and get extra week of break, but to that means I have to scramble all my things and finish everything a week before everybody else does, and it gets a little hectic. This body is kind of just going to go through my life as a student in cinema, digital media, student in design and also a dancer and m k modern just tryingto figure everything out all in this final week school. So let's get into it Day one of Finals week For me, it is clearly Monday and today I had to turn in a draft of my design final, which is a 32nd 1 minute animation. The topic that we have to work with is sustainability. So I'm working on that and that is due on Wednesday. Let's do this Friday and I'm about to go on a film shoot for my final project. Then I have to go get my car fixed, So it's gonna be a pretty long day. My name is It's Wednesday and this morning I turned in my design final, which turned out pretty good. I got some good feedback from both my professor and a few people in my class, so that was nice. It took me a really long time to put it together last night and I went to sleep pretty late. I'll put a quick little of it right here in just a second. For the rest of the day, I also have my film class and I have to finish editing the film. It is our family friends night, so we're gonna be performing for people in our community, and it's just gonna be a good time. Ate some dinner and I'm ready to go to practice getting only close together. My great grand little wear, modern practice, friends and family thing is us at our number. If you did come out tonight to support thank you so much. I just got home from a showering and I have a little bit of work to do. So I'm gonna work well, that and then go to sleep because it's pretty lean. I have a lot of products were gone, so I got to get closed into him About to go study, get some work done, and we'll just see how that goes. We're heading to the dorms now to do some work, working at some bold offers, you know, But really, it helps soothe, soothe mine. Well, Domino's is the right choice, so we made this pizza and just muscle is just just came out of the oven. Yeah, well, you know, What? If you ever need anyone to make you pizza, just call me and pay me, like 100 bucks or don't. Everybody in the house is sleeping, but I'm still working on it. I don't really have much time to work on it before then. So just gotta keep pushing and then I'll be don't final. So I am back in San Francisco now editing the log, and it pretty much just ends there the next day. I do a lot of things, but they're not really relevant to finals. I thought I would put that together in a separate video that I would upload as a vlog, so I'm just gonna end the video there. A lot of things were happening between dance and just trying to finish my projects. In time I had the paper I was just writing was a 12 page film proposal. Then there was my film, which was supposed to be done over a course of three weeks, which we had to condense into one due to the wild fires. Then there was my design project as well, which just consume the life out of me. I'm done some back home now in the comfort of my own bed. Honestly, I'm probably gonna be sleeping for the rest of the break. If you liked it, don't forget to comment and subscribe and let me know what else I want to see the future. So thank you so much watching and let's see who's next.