Tips for UC Davis Students

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They want My name is Ashley Joe, and if you don't know who I am, I am going to be 1/4 year cinema and digital media student at the University of California, Davis. One of the biggest things that UC Davis is known for is its bikes. You'll see them all around campus all around the city. One of the most important things about riding your bike on campus is knowing how to navigate around bikes. Tip number one is when you enter into a bike circle, make sure you yield for those who are already in the bike circle. Number two, if you're crossing the street and you see a biker coming your way, do not freeze. If you're walking, just keep going and the biker can navigate around number three. If you haven't already, make sure you download lift or uber or some sort of transportation up like taps. Actually, number four do not wait until 10 minutes before your class to find out where it is. The campus is fairly big, and if you don't know where it crosses are before you start, it's gonna be a little bit difficult for you to find. There is a campus map and a directory for it online. That's what I did my freshman year, A couple of friends and I just biked around campus. We got used to ride our bikes, and we also just looks for our classrooms to make sure we knew how to get there on the first day of school. Make sure you have a screen shot of your schedule from schedule builder or you have implemented into your calendar on your phone or Google calendar or whatever. Just make sure that you have your schedule and you have where the classroom is. Do whatever you can to make sure that you have that schedule on the first day of school, and it'll make everything just smoother. You can always find a used version of that book or an older addition you can find on Amazon. What most people like to do before trying to find out Amazon or resorting to the bookstore is going to be free. For sale page or the text book marketplace on Facebook, you're most likely going to find a book that you might need on those two pages. Someone's bound to be selling one of your books, especially if your class is very common. A good used bike is always much better than a brand new bike, especially if it's over $250. And once again, people are always selling furniture and bikes and things that you might need on the frame for sale page. So if you aren't a part of that, make sure you join. In terms of bikes cruisers are kind of frowned upon at UC Davis because one they're heavy too. They are of pain to park next to bike racks for your set side by side. If you have a cruiser with the big handlebars, someone won't be able to park next to you because I just gets stuck entangled with your bike So I would settle for a fix E or a road bike, which is probably the best bike that you can have on campus. Registering your bike is required, but rarely do you see people being fined for not having it registered. In my opinion, I registered my bike my freshman year, and I actually found it to be kind of helpful. Not too long ago, I got an email saying that they were doing construction on this one building and my bike was parked in front of it. Because I registered my bike, they were able to contact me and tell me to move it and so my bike is still safe and somewhere else on campus. Make sure you have a bike light, especially if you'll be going to your dorms. You know at night, sometimes you'll have a class that gets out at six or eight, and towards the end of fall and winter it's gonna get darker, and so you'll need that light, and it is technically required for youto have a light. The UC Davis Police Department actually gives out free bike lights, but you know they're not really that strong, and your phone can also act as a bike as well. You can do intramural sports, or you could just work out, run around the track, use the machines. There's also different classes that you could take a well, make sure you have a scantron in your backpack, your full there, your binder, whatever you use, because you never know when you're gonna need it. Davis gets really hot, especially in the summer, so make sure that you stay hydrated. So make sure you have a field trip, some sort of britta filter you can share with your roommate something like that, because drinking the top from Davis's honestly, not now, unless you wanna look like a freshman, do not wear your I D. With the lanyard around your neck. Going to an office hour asking for questions, honestly, very essential and very helpful to get you through and, you know, raise your grade from a B to a nay if you're having trouble in that class, the Student community center or the SEC has the cleanest bathrooms on campus, while the EMU first floor has probably one of the nastiest bathrooms on campus. Those are a couple of tips and tricks that I've learned from my past three years of experience at UC Davis that I wanted to share with you all, especially if you are a freshman, our transfer student, and hopefully it'll help you get around a little bit easier. If there's anything that I forgot in this video, make sure you leave a comment down below and I'll try to get to that in a another video. Maybe I'll see you around and son is still out, and there's still one bar left on the battery of my camera.