Study With Me!

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Um, basically just have a lot of stuff to get done this weekend. I guess you're gonna see me doing a bunch of work. We'll see how the content kind of plays out, but yeah, this weekend got a lot to work on and not a lot of time to do so But I've got my little speaking here with me. There's gonna hang out and hopefully have a good time while also being productive. First things first I am going to see was up with my car. It's been scraping up on the bottom, so I need to go to on iTunes season, ankle room. It looks like it's kind of lowered on the bottom so quickly, like six. Gonna do some cleaning to be a little more productive, and then gettinto work and get this day started first. There's, like a little bits of trash here and there. So clear that out, do some chores and maybe clean up my room and then start majority of the stuff in my car like napkins and seats. You have a couple of water bottles in here, so should be easy. So one thing they need to do is take down this Christmas tree. It's already February, so I think it's time that I take stone. So it's kind of chill editing a couple of videos and working on some graphics and then later on, gonna be covering a game. Um and then I have some homework to do later on, so we're gonna get busy today, and Alright, so I've got the laundry running right now, taking a quick little break so that I could eat lunch, But I'm kind of tired right now. Didn't get much sleep last night, which I usually don't because I sleep at, like, 34 a m every night and wake up at, like, 10. I've kind of just stuck with it for the past few years and have been all right. I think I'm still here, so nothing too bad, but it could be better. So right now, I'm kind of feeling a little tired, a little sleepy because they didn't get as much sleep as I could, But we're gonna keep pushing, Gonna finish up some work and just go about the day. No, I just spent a good amount of time, good work and just finishing that of, But they're still I'm warning you it is nine. Curry is over here watching on TV one of the ways that I called him down just by watching food notebook. What should I say for my blood? Welcome back To flog it is 1 p.m. But I'm having breakfast right now doing a little bit of work. Then my friend Lauren is gonna come up, We're gonna go Korean barbecue. We are going to stuff our faces with some Korean barbecue, and then I got to get back to work, and then I have to midterms to study for so that'll be great. Hi. I just got back from lunch and I am working right now and actually clocked in for work covering a game. I just doing a couple things multi tasking at once, also figuring out some stuff for school. So we're just gonna be sitting at this table for the next few hours and getting work done, right? Well, not off of work. I am editing a video for a concert video that I shot about a week ago. So I'm gonna edit that and hopefully get a good first draft done tonight and send it to my client and see how he likes it. I'm probably gonna study for women too. When it is Marquis, in case you don't know I'm dating Ashley or, you know, raise Marquis, otherwise known as Ashleigh's boyfriend. I'm also the guy who is probably taking your picture with you if he asked her on campus. APs Who's my first interview with the five people in a row? It was pretty cool song here waiting to hear back from them. With what you told the secret secret ingredient is the spicy Roman Challenge sauce. What these off if you've never tried it, I think you should, because the sauce is fine. Frankly, uh, this is my favorite thing that actually makes. I'm super excited on, uh, again, Gordon Ramsay eat it because this greatest very okay ones and she's Jesus Christ. Alright, guys, who I'm just tired of making with log. So we're gonna finish up studying for my mid terms, which would have Tuesday. We're gonna finish that and just call it there.