College Move In

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So this is gonna be part two of my moving out moving into college, Siri's. I have to move into my apartment and currently in San Francisco. Just came back from a family trip a few hours ago, actually, and gotta pack again so I can bring all my stuff back to Davis. I'm trying to sift through all of my clothes right now to see what I absolutely need to take. I have a lot as I mentioned in the previous video. If you haven't seen the video click right here or it'll be double as well. Um, but basically have a lot of clothes, a lot of free T shirts. You get a lot of those in college and, you know, shirts that I've accumulated over the years, and I'm just trying to figure out what to do with them. I'm trying to go for more minimalist type of deal here, where I just need to bring you know, the absolutely necessary clothing items that I need and you know, some extra maybe fancy things. It's hard because you have a lot and I'm one of those people. That's kind of like, you know, I have this shirt haven't wanted in three years forever. You know, I might need it one day, and that's kind of the struggle right now to try and figure out, you know, Am I really gonna wear this? Am I ever gonna wear this? If I haven't now, what's to say that I'm gonna wear it later? So I'm gonna go through all that right now and we'll see how it goes. For the past two weeks, I've been back home in San Francisco just being with family, hang with friends and also just traveling a little bit. Now it's time for me to pack up all my things and move back into my apartment and Davis. So I thought I found a lot more, but I can't seem to find that footage. So here's a clip of my family trying to figure out how to put my bed together. We actually had it assembled upside down, so we had to take it apart and then put it back together. Once all that was done, all I had to do was move the rest of my stuff into my room. So my room is pretty much set up, and I get to take much video that yesterday just because it was kind of hard to bring my camera around when I was moving on my furniture and stuff. It just kind of seemed less efficient if I brought my camera around, but I did try to get as much as I could, and I set up all my furniture. My bed's all set up closer, all set up my closets full. I did put up my art, which you saw in a previous clip, but I do need to put up some posters and after, got a target to get some command strips and stuff for that. So I'll be going to target in a little bit, and the rest is kind of just cleaning up, settling in and just getting used to the new place. So one thing that I found out is that my window doesn't open, so I gotta put in a service request to get someone to fix it.