Student voice - Major, Academic Climate

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So can you guys tell me what your major is? How do you find the academic climate here? UC Davis. So we're both actually international relations majors way Met last year because way have a lot of classes together. The international relations program here in Davis's really nice way have our student organization which were built officers and also some major economy. No. Hey, it's nomics tests on the best cast. So my experience in the English phD program so far, uh, husband, one in which everyone seems very kind and supportive. There seems to be more of like a collaborative spirit in my cohort and in others, I think it's a good medium. I don't think it's stupid and overdone like Berkeley, and I don't think it's underdone, like the states are kind of riverside. I think it's a nice atmosphere, and I think people are. They care about their act in economics, but like they also care to have one thing. So my major is biological sciences, and I personally really love it here. I know it's only the first week, but I can and I'm like, really homesick, but I can already tell that I love it People here, so sweet and genuine and are so willing to like, Talk to you. I don't know how many conversations I've had coming out of the bathroom with just random people on my floor. People are so sweet the Professor's air really willing to help you and work around there hours and your hours to make sure you get all of the help that you need, and I really appreciate it.