Downtown | Friends | Death Star
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So I'm currently walking around downtown Davis, and I was here to grab something to eat with my friends. The most frequently visited places by myself and my friends were burgers and group because I think it was closest to the campus. It's also one of those places that's open late at nights until three a. M. So that's where we would usually go after a late night study session. Transfer students must be super excited to get into your you city here, but I'm also aware that it's extremely expensive when you're looking at a fifty dollars so assured. So the best way to go around that is to go to the campus store on the first Friday of the month. The campus store has a twenty five percent on on most items on DH. I feel like that is the best time that you should be investing into your Uschi here. Just yesterday this was This is the first U C D here that I've bought, and I actually love it. So I'm currently walking around what is known as the Death Star on campus. So These are some of the buildings that are built in a way that it's super confusing to navigate your way across, and I feel like I'm one of those victims.