Gyms! Working out! Exercise!
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I'm heading to one of the gyms and say, What up? Because there are a ton of gentleman you see campus. I'm actually heading to the one that is connected directly to our door. Like right now, I'm on the second floor where I live and I am taking the elevator down to the lower floor, where we have a gym that I shared by all the buildings in one. It's actually one of the smaller Jim's, but it does get the job done, so I'll take you there. I didn't want to, like, record everyone at gyms that feel, like kind of creepy. I didn't want to be like that one person just like out there with the camera, Not actually exercising you like this. We have, like, four tried moons and couple electricals bike machine. Options, but Blackwell residence halls, which is another residents. Then we dio they've got, like, weights and dumbbells and all that stuff. The main gym on campus is called the Recreational Sports facilities. Call it our S A for short, so I don't actually know what it stands for, huh? But, yeah, they have, like a lot of equipment. There are, like, four swimming pools scattered throughout the campus. The RSF has a lot more options to do with exercising. As you can see, like there are so many places on campus where you can get your exercise going so you don't have to go all the way to the RSF yuk Unjust. If you're living in the dorms and free living on campus, you can just go downstairs into your You're not building and there's a gym waiting for you right there.