The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Yo, what's up, guys? We're really at Cal Topia. This's one of the biggest events birthdays hosting, so there's actually lots of booze around, and you basically can check out every single one of them. Yo, What's up, guys? I'm on a boosted board on this is actually electrically powered on. One of the features of counsel was also safety booth. It's really transportation fees on pills, so you knows everything. So this is gonna be my second time doing pull ups for the Marines. We're gonna see how much push ups you can do it, Max. Uh, is eighty five so far? Hopefully, I can beat that grand prize. Basically, just people doing push ups down there and they're just counting. My guys, we're gonna do some push ups with me. How much you think you're doing? Thirty five, thirty five, thirty five. Oh, I think eighty five was the speaker, so I was able to get this piece here, and I'm happy you guys attend Jet Challenge Coming description If you guys got more than one of three.