Berkeley Undergraduate Interview - Allyza
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Over U C L A. Because you feel like trash on DH. I hate their campus. It's a okay, This you're supposed to count this first. Oh, and I love, like Brickley culture and how we're not afraid, Really Speak up for what we believe in. I don't know what you want for me were thriving, she said. I've decided, but I'm going like maybe two under and women's studies. It's, um you hear a lot like Berkeley's like cut rodent, you know, But I haven't really experience. It's like like I guess the transition is like a lot of reading, but it's good. Everyone seems nice, like the professors and the chief's eyes, like they want to help you. What is your favorite? At least your part at the campus, not just campus at school. Three shirts Number two stuff are two university U C Berkeley. What? What was the first for you? Lady went on, What's your least? What's your most favorite and least favorite part? Like three sources like General, What's your favorite part like you Come, You wake up like fuck you Wake up. You just wake up, and I'm like, Yes, really? Why? Because, like, I know that like, they're people who are like me, you know, like Mike. What do you want to say? Like Carol, any of this before you guys get shut down.