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Hey, guys, this is my friend Caitlin, and I'm going to be interviewing her for our student interview. Caitlin, can you tell us a little bit a little bit about yourself? I am much major freshman this year. I have I only ever been Teo, you know, Fort Smith and I haven't traveled very much. I try to make people laugh, even though it works all the time. Why did you use you fence for your English major? I chose you because of how friendly the staff was. Whenever I came for I came for the new student orientation and s O. And everyone was super super friendly. Considering that I've never actually let I've never actually left my house. Or I mean, the school area that I've been in for any life expanded and amount of time. Uh, everyone like maintenance works really, really hard on it. All of the arteries or super willing to help you, no matter what's happened. What kind of trouble? They might be in there like they helped their happy toa helping hand. It's just a It's a it's a good environment, a good place to be. The lines in the cafeteria there is a hammock, a hand king spot and actually something they put in recently. Do you have any advice for incoming high school students like academic Advisor? Just in general, anything that comes up, don't be afraid to get involved. Don't be afraid to talk to people that are on your four. If you're if you're going to be living on campus, which I assume you might be, If you're watching this video or you're thinking about it, then I think that just be a little bit out there. If you're more introverted or whatever it's, it's perfectly fine. People like they're people all around her willing light, you know, just work with you on it because I was a little bit introverted coming in. I didn't really like, you know, talking about other people on my floor. Then once I got into it, and once I got into other activities on campus, it was, you know, I found out that it was actually really time.