uofa orientation vlog!
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So today I'm leaving to Arizona for orientation, and we're driving there, so it's gonna be about a seven hour drive from where I am and ready to get on the road. And you guys my day. Go in there and check it for schools on there in the collegian section. You have so many cute clothes for, like, we're different colleges. Go. Okay, so an hour later, and we're finally getting on the road. I know my sister's Orient, so don't mind that. It's really hot in 88 and it's only eight in the morning. We've been here for, like, so many hours, and it's finally over. Yeah, it's a really long day, they're down. Okay, so we're now leaving to saw you guys so much washing this video, if you doing with thumbs up and subscribe down below If you haven't already, and I see it all men experience.