Let's talk Lecture Halls
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I am in the lecture room and I just showed you the panoramic view of what it looks like in here for a lecture. If you think of it, it's kind of like a small version of a movie theater. It's leveled up, and there's all kinds of rose and seats that go around the big screen so that the lecture can go up there and dio whatever they're doing and teaching that day s O. This is actually a lot smaller than what the other lecture halls look like. I think that's probably why I like it more there. They remind me of an actual movie theater or any kind of theater that you've been Teo, whether it be a live performance or the you know cinemas. There's probably about, oh, maybe fifty to seventy five seats in here. Like I said, you come in here and you d'oh either your chemistry lecture or you come in here and do one of your biology lectures and then up stairs, we have all kinds of labs, and you'll be going up there for discussions. You'll be going up there to do the lab portion of your classes, so usually for science classes, you'll have a lecture which you'll come in here for. You'll have a lab portion, and then you'll have a discussion portion. Basically, the differences between all of those is for lecture. You come in, you're Professor goes over what you're reading was that week, maybe clarify some information, some more. The best is because whatever you didn't understand for the reading, they're probably going to cover in lecture. You'll have hopefully a better understanding about what you're learning about. You're going to go upstairs, you go up there and do the lab portion of whatever it is. I actually don't have lab this semester, but it's really cool, and you feel like an actual scientist. Discussion is usually held once a week or once every other week. You go in and that's where you have them or of thie one on one time. There's usually about fifteen twenty students, too, won t A, which is the teacher assistant, and they come in. They will either have a separate teaching that goes along with whatever you learn that week, or you'll be able to come in and ask questions or you'll be able. Teo, just get clarification on some of the things that you've learned about this week or read about or whatever it is, or they'll do a teaching based off of whatever you learn.