college move in day!
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So today it's my college moving day and I'm so excited. My parents are right now checking into our hotel because tomorrow my checking day is in the morning. So we got a hotel to come since it takes a whole day to drive and then move in tomorrow and then they'll stay here and leave on Sunday. After they check in, we're just gonna hang out and go to dinner, and then we'll get ready to move into. Once we get in there and put everything in and then I have some other things in here, I'm pretty sure these air all like just my clothes and a blanket and then a hamper with other stuff in there and then in my car, we have things to So we're gonna go ahead and unload and then get back. I have all your clothes on a hanger and then put it in a large trash guys. Actually, this is like the only bottoms I brought, And I still have a lot of room in here for other things. Now I think I'm gonna move on to all of my pajamas and then the bathroom way just realized I forgot my like pillows. So you have to go and get those and yeah, I was like, the one thing that totally slipped my mind. Now we are almost done finishing up the bathroom, getting everything out. We put that little green plant right there, and then I think this is cute. Then you were almost done putting this stuff away right now. Okay, so we finished hanging up these pictures here, and then we decided to instead put the two other yellow decorations beside my desk. I think these are all the pictures I'm gonna put up for now. Then here is what we decided to do for the right side of my wall has another last thing. Then I'm done with a degree in my room until he gets here. My roommates bringing some other world record a hang up right there, and then she'll be decorating her side. This is it a picture of this, Phil, I put a couple of pictures on here, and then when I remain calm, she's gonna put some up there, too. Then I just hung up my string lights right here, which I need to get batteries for. Lenny, I just has to my pictures here and then that I'm giving this stuff to my little cause. I got a couple gifts for her, and then we just got I just put home sweet home. We stopped to decide what we're gonna put on there. So I'm gonna do more oven end up tour later on once my roommate moves in everything. Yes, Just is everything right now, and I It's okay. We're gonna go to target right now, and it is pouring rain right now. So it's been difficult Going in and out is moving in right now, So yeah, right now, we're just gonna go to Target and get those four last minute things I have and try and get through this. We are looking for bends to put in our bathroom just to hide a lot of the products that we have. I think it'll fit a lot of our things in here and next. We just need to get batteries and a few other things. Then we should be good to go from here, okay? And then we needed some triple A batteries. The way the pillow section all right here because I forgot to bring pillows. Were back at the house to finish up everything we got from Target. The only thing is, the new inched arguably accidentally got the wrong batteries. So I hung up my little paddle right here that she made me last year. Like I said, she's gonna put some stuff on that wall and then my little corner here. Just so it looks a little bit more put together for that telex for now. Then I'm gonna put an actual This is just a sweater. Then she's gonna have that whole road for herself. She was right here, and yeah, that's pretty much the end of today's video. The future? I'm gonna do a full in depth dorm tour once my roommate moves in.