Atmosphere at The University of Arizona.
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I want to show you a little bit more weight campus because it truly is beautiful. I want you to know what it's gonna look like when you're a student here and moving and an official wild cut and what it looks like through the eyes of somebody who walks the campus every single thing. Basically, you're surrounded by so much beauty. You're gonna be walking to class with you here. You're gonna come in reflection falls, and you're gonna sit down and you're gonna Where are you going? Discussion. So I'm here to see Honestly, it's average. The campus is surrounded by all kinds of beautiful architecture, er and beautiful buildings, new and old, and so much greenery and so much like desert landscaping. Honestly, it's more beautiful than any cameras there never seen. I have pride because, of course, that ideals but truly it really is an amazing experience. Honestly, if I was you, I wouldn't want to miss out on it. It's also hold buildings, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. It just means that marking of kind of kind of history, and they really are beautiful. It's so much greenery, like said, so when he doesn't landscape honestly, it's so beautiful in your round eyes for a huge just really smoking because I've never seen something like this. It really does look like a scene from, and people are out here riding their bikes. When it's a really nice spring, day out or fall day out, there's all kinds of stuff to see so much history's just the Arizona State. Just so many beautiful things to see so much experience really, honestly, like I walk around and I'm just really grateful to be here. Here we have something called the Women's Plaza of Honor. All the first women really made a difference on campus, whether they were the first administrators on campus or one of the first founders of some of our buildings, such as the College of Public Health. With Zuckerman, there's just so much to see here Of course, I know you're also wondering what there is. We also have some called University Full of art, which is located directly outside of our gates of the U of A. Down here on University Boulevard. We have all kinds of shops and stores and restaurants, and there's always stuff going on down here is that it's super super also, and just places to be places to meet up with your friends or even take a stroll. Espresso Our Cafe, which is this super quirky, cool coffee shop. They've really awesome coffee, so I come down for some study or even to meet up with you. It's really great, and it's also and honestly, with my those favorite place to go when I'm not on campus. This is also University Boulevard, but it's fun to come down. Tio no anchovies last weekend, and that's basically the best pizza that you'll ever find their huge like pizza. It's just so much fun being like right off campus, just enjoying the night life. We have often performances have football games, basketball games. Honestly, these are probably the most fun because everyone has so much school spirit. It's unreal, like this experience that will probably like you. You'll never get anywhere else because you're just surrounded by your fellow because it's honestly so great guys like we're going to check it out and you'll never have a moment here. You might catch them, don't know this's a couple of weeks ago and honestly, I think it's so awesome right on campus. I promise that your experience here at U A will not be regrettable. Always me and there's so many memories that you make here. I'm really excited for you came really Lyn, please check it out if you ever have the chance and join us and become a wild cat.