The Best Meal Plans For Freshmen

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We're gonna be talking about male plants today. All right? I have a little thing right here from orientation last year in my orientation book. Not the whole book, but something something's about. Let me tell you all these mill plans and these will prices and dining dollars laser looks, dragon cash. I'm gonna talk about green and gold first, because that's what I had experience with so less getting. You get nine mils per week, you get 600 dining dollars and the cost per semester is $1875. You'll have eight mil swipes, but then you'll have one guest swipe. So say you use your eight mil swipes in one week, but you don't have any guests and you want to go again. You're dining dollars is what you can use at these places right here. So with that being said, don't spend it all needs budget. I would say that I would not go over a certain amount if I've if I know that if I keep spending the way I am, I won't have enough for the end of the semester. So maybe I won't go over 20 or $30. That sounds like nothing. You have to eat like you're in high school, like you can't take food out or something like that. Tell yourself I'm not gonna spend over this much this week. I'm not going to spend over this much this month to have enough. That's how I was able to spend over $100 on wings for my family. It will not roll over sadly, so don't think that I'm not gonna touch the $600. So I'm gonna have, uh, $1200 next semester. You're not gonna have 1000 200? No, don't spend all your money. Undergraduate student students and any student living on campus are charged a $225 campus dining in the fall and spring semesters. A declining balance account that can be used at any you may be dining location. So when it says that that fee will be assessed in the form of dragon cash, that's another account that you will have on your card so you'll have the $600. You're dining dollars in one little account, and then you'll have your dragon cash and another Don't touch this. You do run out of your dining dollars, but you weren't spending too much. You just happened to run out at the end of the semester. Have $225. Give some neat Don't spend that whole 225 because it's the end of semester. That's not being smart, Okay, because this money will roll over. So remember what I told you that I did when I decided not to spend over a certain amount of money with my dining dollars at the end of semester, I spent all of my dining dollars before I left to start the second semester. My spring semester, Because they will take that money back. It's not going to roll over, so spend it wisely until the end of the semester and you're legit. Then when we came back, we started the spring semester. Say you want to go to CBS Down street, you can use Blazer books at CVS. Okay, um, you can get your medicine there or anything like that. Bucks is really You can spin this at CBS, and you can also spend this anywhere on campus. Many off campus shops and restaurants also accept laser books. Please make sure you have blazer butts on your car so you can print out your essays or anything that you need to print out. If you need to buy book, maybe $100 for book or something like that. Your parents could put that money on your card and pay for it that way. No, you will have laundry bucks on your car and they'll give you $6 it's a dollar to dry and a dollar to wash. Say, you run out of your $6 of laundry books or whatever. If you have extra money on your Blazer book account, you can use that money for laundry because it it starts over every Sunday, just like the mill swipes do. You'll get new swipes every Sunday, and the swipes do not roll over. So don't think that you'll have tense wives one day or anything like that.