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Today is going to be a vlog because it is officially the first day of spring semester. Um, I went to the gym earlier this morning, but I didn't have a good workout because I kind of rushed process. I'm going to go eat and then head to classes. I just got done eating, ate chicken Alfredo with pasta. It's gonna fly by by my mom said, but I have math at 2 30 aftermath have a public speaking class like 3 35 So last clip. I haven't walked campus since break, So excuse you, girl. Like I said, I have math class to go to two aftermath. I have one more class do, and then tomorrow I just have one class, which is amazing. I can't Is to something, so basically, I'll have to go in a few minutes. Uh, because it's not that far walk, so I can just stay until, like, 2 15 Give me 15 minutes to get there. Honey, I don't really have anything to, like snack on a kind of one king. Today, you get some gummies, but today is going by pretty fast. Nothing extravagant going on because it's the second semester, not the first. So I'm pretty sure they're not doing anything. Especially for us, because candy, But I'm just gonna chill. Yeah, if I am doing something, of course I'm gonna drink this. Um, I do Boggs regularly, like, not daily, but when I feel like picking up the camera blocking, But other than that, it will be a normal video like I might be talking to. You guys were doing makeup or get ready the morning team. You hit the lifeblood because your girl she's coming up this come up, okay. Just got to be there to see so Donatello until it's time to go. Of course, after class, I'll tell you how it went and how I think he's gonna go if you're interested. You're starting to, like, go ahead and go do bad. Really? I have one more glass and about math. I'm, um I'm a history in English person, so no, get through it. What class? I'm going to my, um, public speaking class. That's what I was thinking about the abbreviations for this. I've been just less, um, cause and right now I'm heading to the store to get some gummies because I really want them. Like I've been warning them all day and thes classes. I think it's just because his Monday like it's just been a drag. Like, I have a headache, a little small headache right now, so I don't know what that's supposed to mean, but I can get through them place, So I just got in. Like I said earlier, Didn't have a good workout because I didn't eat correctly. So I had to stop in the middle and then just come back. Was running a little late for business, which was a 12. Um, a little difficult to understand my math teacher, but it's okay. The 1st 1 is not coming up until 23rd. So we're gonna prepare for that. On the way to finding my public speaking class because I didn't follow a tip that I gave you guys before I didn't go toe. Look for the class on a Sunday before class started. I got there at 3 30 three, and it started that it started at 3 35 My head hurts for some weird reason. Tomorrow's gonna be better because your girl and got one class. I don't know if I'm gonna log tomorrow, but I'm gonna close it out here. Don't get to like this video comin down below and watch my other ones and I will next time.