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If you knew, welcome today we're going to Wal Mart because I have a plan for my dorm as faras decorations. My mom just reminded me that I needed to record and oily. Um, we're actually getting a little bit of dorm stuff. I know my door policy huge, but originally came in here so I could print off some of my pictures because of the picture frame that I spray painted. I don't usually blawg walking around, so something has to click in my head. Are you trying to show me something? Oh, I got some storage stuff to help me move in. It's just important that I need to get not like decorations. I'm trying to wrap my brain around Wal Mart because they don't have everything they they need to and they don't stock well, so look, my eyelashes. What's next? Um, not hardware like, random stuff that I'll probably need, uh, supplies. Have little flowers on him in the heart, Um, this to protect your hands from, like, using harsh chemicals like the chemicals you use to clean the shower and all that stuff. Pot holders from dollar tree owned the globe from dollar tree to I'm sorry. These air just microfibers scrubbers to wipe down the counter top or on the scene here. All the random things that I'll need in my door. I don't know the price, but I know it came from Walmart. Here's some command strips to hang up my things. Um, I am bad at telling you as where stuff came from. The safety pins came from dollar tree and this came from walmart. Here's a flashlight that came from dollar tree because who knows when you'll need a flashlight? Here are some screwdrivers. So the suggested courses on here, General math, Pre algebra out of one and two geometry, Trig statistics, science and biology. This came from Wal Mart, and I got it for $8.77 are some lead pencils. This came from Burke's outlet, and it was 4 99 Um, here is a mask, I think. My mom pointed out that if my roommate needs the lights on for some reason and I want to sleep, then I just put this on. That mask came from Dollar Tree, next from Wal Mart here. Um, these were 3 88 And how long is it? Six feet along from dollar tree? I got some scissors, so I know I'm going to need them. So did I tell you where that came from? They came from Dollar Tree from Burt's outlet. Were you feeling down and you'll feel great Because this is telling you all of the things you need to hear. So I'm just gonna take the tape out of that one as a refill and put it in here whenever I need it. So next we're going in the storage, which is back here. Uh, Ben's it came from Dollar Tree and I have one open for you guys. Since I have a lot of tiny stuff take in my dorm, these two tonnes will come in handy. I'm gonna do a video of some tips on how I pack so much stuff to help another freshman now or someone else. From Burke's outlet, I have a bowl brush cleaner, Um says as a chrome finish. I have a hair towel because I don't want to ruin my grave towels and the tower I just bought with hair products and all that stuff. Obviously, this came from Burke's outlet, and it wa ce 12 99. There's another standard pillow that I said I needed. So this came from Wal Mart and It was like $7. This is the one that I think I'm going to sleep on because of how it feels. So here's something motivational to put in my room on. This came from Wal Mart, and it was $10. Next, I have a mini vacuum, a dust buster by Black and Decker. I got it from Burke's outlet for how much? I got it for $20 and it comes with a pillow, which is right here. Now, Um, I just have to get some small things, like larger detergent and this show, and I don't want to get that yet because I don't want to risk those liquidy things wasting on all my stuff. So the next video that you will see with all of my stuff together is the dorm tour that you should stay tuned in for.