Shubh takes you on his ride to Campus

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Okay, so it usually takes about five minutes to teach from one capital from on campus. I'm only talking about not part of the university. All my classes and man dispenses on the North campus. No, the bus is relatively empty today because Visa's harder snowstorm last night. So the glasses have bean got it off on So not many people are going to be commuting. I just give you some information about the university on its location. So you'll be is a relatively large annoyed to be about the Bard. Thirty thousand students, including undergrad, dried and phD, huh? We are spread out over an area often on five thousand acres, which is really big, so that makes it having unique location because it's not really close to the city of Buffalo, meaning it's not integrated with the city, but at the same time, it's not really far. So if you're lucky enough to have a card, you can reach the city and probably like, twenty twenty five minutes, tops. Or if you take the public transport, uh, can pick apart from a few minutes, especially when hearing the victor seasons when the buses are running slow. It's not that bad. And plus, there's just so much to do on campus that you won't find yourself going to the city very often.