Vlogmas Day 9| A Series of Unfortunate Events| But Church was Good
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I'm just tryingto get to the Lord's house. Just try to go to church and I put a gigantic run in my stocking. So this was the original outfit, right? Black dress, Just classic black guys was gonna wear stockings of it, and I just It's just it's huge. It's huge run, but my stocking And I'm just perplexed, perplexed in my mind because I'll say I thought the dress I could get away with it if I don't have stockings on. Actually, Heidi need stockings because of the splits gonna side since the split comes up to here without stockings. You know, I'm kind of just annoyed because I really want to wear this dress and I'm thinking, well, maybe I should just go warmer before church, but I don't want to do that because I'm probably have a little one mark after church. On top of that, it's like, what if I get the sackings from Wal Mart, right? Go to church, put the stockings on in at church, they ripped again. You really wanted to wear this, but maybe I should just change. Okay, so I just decided to go ahead and change, because where any other just have been way too much work so still black with this one, you know, going with black bean with this was black and white. I'll probably put this on with it because this is actually even It's cold. So for breakfast today, I'm thinking bacon eggs in this random biscuit, Normally on a Sunday, I would just eat cereal, But I don't have milk. I have to kind of get rid of the food that's in that refrigerator. I have to get rid of food that's in the refrigerator, because while I'm on break the fridge, it it has to be often everything has to be out of it. I just realized I can't make eggs because I ate the last room yesterday. I don't know why the other stacked against me today um, yeah, we're gonna Good. That basically just sugar, pumpkin, spice, cinnamon, she a season opening. So I'm finally sitting their home in the outfit I didn't wanna wear eating the breakfast. I need to know God rest way before I left And I'm still about to be late, like I was in my room. Listen, the music and I don't know what happened after that. No, not only did I forget my coffee in modeling, I also forgot my jacket, not the CO I have on right now, but I'm thinking like a jacket that I was planning on wearing over the jets, so now would be in church cold. Like there is no way There's no way This Israel, I literally said to myself everything today was going wrong. I told myself when I got in the car, I don't watch. It seems like in the highway is gonna be backed up traffic. Well, I have to instagram account vomit are Oh, you need some, Like, special now doing Christmas time. Wait, I'm your money e i e I ignore her, but my main. Now back in my room, I actually just went to go get fluids. Of course, church today ended up being a lot better than I expected. As you guys could see, the beginning of my day was terrible. You can tell that sums up this flog, as you know, on Sundays, Like last week. You guys know some days I really just gonna church, eat sleep, and then go to work. For the rest of the day, that's what I'm about to do, eat my food, take a nap, and then had to work. If you haven't done so already, makes you check out my winter look book, which is gonna be linked the website, the website, and enter my giveaway. Please remember to be kind to everyone.