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Shubh talks with Sauptik about his eating preferences.
A quick interview with Sauptik asking him about his eating preferences on campus and where he prefers having each of his meals.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
So here is not one shop dick, and I'm gonna ask him. Say something very usually Have your lunch, a gym, our student union. Yeah, because like it's I live in any car driving Wilkinson. What do you think? Most preferred place? Um, I'd say he's okay. What do you think is the most popular off, you know, sitting for everyone in the area. Okay, I think it's sizzles because see, I working sizzles on. I think that it's the only place the only shop were like lines go to the last minute to the club. According to the deal on that has that has, like, all positions.
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