Lacey talks more about UTTC campus resources

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They have a scholarship director that she will sit down with you and she will go through. Hey, here's some scholarships that we can you can apply for and then she helps you apply for them. She helps you fill them out your fast, but you need help filling out fast. She's got you any of the faculty out there. Any of the employees, they're there for the students. So first and foremost, they have housing on campus and not just dorms. That is just amazing to me because I don't know of many other colleges. Maybe I need to do my research, but I don't know of many other colleges that offer family housing. They have an elementary school that goes up to eighth grade on campus. For kids who have older kids, they have the daycare. They have a cafeteria where you and your kids can eat. You go outside with your kids, all these things and the resource is they offer. Resource is, they offer There's a nurse on campus so you don't have to go off campus. Is a nurse right there that if you're sick, you can go and see her and I have to check. I'm thinking people who like even people who don't have insurance, are more than welcome to be seen. So they you know, one of the questions that popped up is what kind of students drive at United Tribes Technical college and all students, all students who decide to take their journey their thrive. Let me tell you, it's they don't lay it out for you, and you're like, Okay, I don't need to participate. Is there that help you? There's so many scholarships and they haven't earlier alert system. So if something's going on and you're missing class, you're falling behind. Hey, what's going on? Is there anything we can do for you? Not to mention the instructors and my advisor I might get, um, I might get a little emotional talking about my advisor, but I want to mention her because she is phenomenal. She believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. She saw the potential in me that I couldn't see in myself. She is an amazing woman and the amount of effort the instructors put in and teaching their class and reaching out and making sure their students are understanding what's going on. That was what I needed to know that I was supported, and they give you all the support you need in any aspect you can think of. They have like a bus that runs because there is a campus that's a little are not a campus, but a building that's a little farther away. When it's cold out, they will drive students over there who don't have a vehicle to transport them. Resource is they have all these carrying people who just want to see you succeed. They have a work study program, and lt programs these programs where if you owe a bill, you can work and a half of your paycheck will go to paint off your bill. The other half you get to keep in your pocket our other programs where you can work in between classes on campus. When I am not in class, I could be working and earning money.