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My Thunderbird Experience – Elaine Quitevis
Elaine Quitevis from the Thunderbird School of Global management discusses his favorite school moments as she prepares for graduation in May 2021.
The following is an computer-generated summary of the video transcript.
Hi. My name is Elie in service, and I joined Thunderbird because it was many United Nations of management home to third culture. My time in Thunderbird was actually one of the most rewarding experiences I had in my life. Not only were we taught technical skills, but offs also soft skills that enable us to be better ambassadors off this world defense connections and memorable experience we had with our schoolmates, alumni and class Bates is what makes me believe that after 70 years, the Thunderbird mystique still lives on. I would like to congratulate my fellow graduates in May and thank the faculty and staff for being with us through this academic journey.
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