Makenna Flynn on Covid19
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Thunderbird is the school where people can go to learn more about global management. Thunderbirds also a place where people can go who want to learn more about the world and want to be around like minded individuals who also have the same interest in knowing more about other cultures and other and other people and other countries. Why did I originally decide to attend Thunderbird? I I decided to come to Thunderbird because during high school I was volunteering at a refugee fair. Add refugee, Why did I originally decide to attend Thunderbird? I decided to come to Thunderbird because in high school I volunteered at a refugee. I decided to come to Thunderbird because during my time in high school, I spent several months volunteering at a refugee office, and while I was there, I met so many amazing people and the employees in the clients that we had would tell me stories about their time in Iraq or with working for the United Nations. I've got so interested in seeing the world that Thunderbird seemed like a no brainer for me. What was my experience like at Thunderbird prior to Cove in 19 last Nistor in the fall? My experience of Thunderbird waas Pretty great. I I worked with the Thunderbird Ambassador's Club is an ambassador, and I met potential incoming students that were just kind of exploring where they wanted to go, and I really love that position. Then I also spent time in Thunderbird student government at the Grad Levels and undergraduate lease on, which was a fantastic position. Then I also of course, had my Thunderbird required classes, which were all amazing. How is Cove in 19 changed the world that I live in today or that we live in today? I think Cove in 19 who it's done a lot of things. Just like if we were a business and our competition disrupted our market, we could take the destruction and go and hide and quit, which I'm sure some people are doing. Or we could as a community stick together and decide to innovate, which you see a lot of here a Thunderbird. So I think Kobe, 19 has really forced us to be more innovative, and I think it's spectacular thing to see what was Thunderbirds response to cope in 19 in response to cope in 19 Thunderbird has moved its classes online, and we've started doing zoom sessions, but the courses have all remained very heavily engaged. We have a lecture time and we're all uploaded at the same time. It's continued to be a class where we continue to be heard, and we continue to discuss with our professor, and it's been really amazing to see. Um, Thunderbird has also started doing ah, lot of virtual seminars and virtual talk series. How is Thunderbird performed in its transition to remark Remote learning amid Cove in 19? Why, um, like I said Cove, it, um no. How is that ever performed in its transition to remote Learning Cove in 19. Sorry Whenever its transition to remote learning has been, I don't know. Jermell Learning has been pretty efficient because it hasn't really disrupted our learned. It's Jonah Strengthen Thunderbird School of Global Management Every single one of her present professors everyone that I've had in anyone that my friends have had have continued to show a lot of interesting being there and supporting their students. I think that really attest to Thunderbirds ability to really create a family and a community dynamic within its school. What researchers is thunder were provided, which made the transition early easier, Um, at the so Thunderbird is provided students way. Several of the faculty and staff of Thunderbird on this was at the beginning of the Thunderbird transition, and having the weekly town hall meetings was really helpful at the beginning because we had a space where we could go to get questions answered. I'm gonna research Question seven Thunderbirds transition to remote learning hat What resources has never provided, which made the transition easier. Um, what is my favorite part of remote learning? Why? My favorite part of a rote learning is the lack of distractions. I I learned great, and I study really well when I have a really quiet works based on I'm super focused on what I'm doing without anything to really draw me away. So not having to walk to class or not having to just be interrupted by the little things has been really helpful in getting me to study, and I've also liked realizing how much is at my fingertips with my computer. I mean, you always knew before, but Cove in 19 is really pushing to the limits of utilizing the Internet. I, I think I've learned a lot of technical skills that I wouldn't have learned if remote learning hadn't happened. Some of the more difficult parts of remote learning. Why were they more difficult of the most difficult? I cannot speak the most, the most difficult part of remote learning, the most difficult part of remote learning. Oh, it's easier than ever to be connected with alumni and our colleagues and our peers over at Thunderbird. Am I excited for in person classes to resume Why or why not? I am I. I am excited as much as I love only learning, and I like the opportunities that come with it. What is the first thing that will do when classes resume on campus? The first thing I'm doing is going to cause the first thing I'm doing is going to a coffee shop on the side. What have I learned about myself? Thunderbird or the World? Met Cove in 19. Um, I think when you're in the university light of day in and day out, it gets easy to just get caught up in autopilot, doing the same thing, going to class, studying, going to work, sleep class, study work, sleep on and Cove in 19 and the pandemic and everything is terrible as it is. So I think What if what I've learned about myself amid Cove in 19 is that the possibilities are endless and I have the ability to adapt to a new environment or new situation or anything. I have the time to go after what I really love to dio.