Ana Paula Chavarry Pizzorno on Covid19
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It is, ah, place where I came to to meet people from around the world and learn from their cultures, their backgrounds, learning languages, half new experiences. We're doing amazing things, and I really fell in love with that. Learning to do everything without physical contact with people eat meant helping my company helping my come the company. I guess a good thing that happened to me with company 19 Waas that I learned to do everything on my desk alone in front of a computer. Learn and you hobby Teoh keep painting because I had left it. Yeah, it just really changed the way I talk to my friends to my family. Every individual in particular they were there, were there were invested in or learning experience. What's really worried about having I'm How did you start again with Kobe? 19 Thunder was really concerned for the students and their well being, not just physical, but also mental. So how has Thunderbird perform in its transition to remote remote learning? And Kobe 19. What is your favorite part of remote learning and why I'm I really like in person learning, I really do. I think, like with the break up rooms, I think Zoom has been a really great resource for us, and I'm really happy that done the route. Um, my favorite part about virtual learning is that thunder re tacked on new opportunities. Also really recall playing about ritual learning like I feel like eat before, professor is where Where will you with virtual learning their even more build. Who, you know, he answer is really nice, because everyone's all right now, right? Oh yeah, I really appreciate that. What is the most difficult part of remote learning? And why the most part of remote learning ease? We think about that that well, Okay, I did mention that it was very hard for you to not have the one on one connection with you. So the most digital part about online learning you were us. I think the most difficult part about only learning has been, um, getting used to getting used to not go out as much. Just Yeah, The hardest part of Okami 19 has Bean organizing myself and and really trying to learn how to do everything without being physical contact with people. So that's some month of being in quarantine, But it's not along it with other people, So it is really risky. I know that this whole year is gonna go by really, really fast. T birds are really capable off being flexible of adapting. We've been there for each other, and that's what really matters. That Thunderbird mystique is not really what place or or or the classes. No, it's more like the people who come to thunder, where the people who engage in in global discussions, the people who are willing and curious to learn about each other. We have come up with different ways, like like very 12 events and and, I don't know, in town halls and just regular phone calls and video calls, but we have really tried to keep them steak a life by stickin together. Honestly, I I'm really excited to see my friends in person to being able to give a proper handshake and even a hot to my professors. Yeah, I don't know, Like, I feel like I've learned so much from these only learning experience that I'm definitely gonna keep applying everything that Lauren and but at the same time, I think even our in person experience is gonna be better, because we've gained so many more tools for for connection and communication and group meetings and things like that. I'm really, really looking forward to classes meaning person and had just seen my friends tagging them high in university. What have you learned about yourself? Thunderbird or the world? Amid Kobe? 19. I've learned that I I can give 210%. I I used to get 110%. Now I give even more. I I was really happy with the way I manage my time before. So I've I've learned how to you manage my time even better than before. And I've learned that that I'm really, really close to my family. Um, from Thunderbird, I learned that, Yeah, I have learned about Thunderbird with current 19 that I don't know must've let me think. With Kobe 19 I've learned that Thunderbird is so quick to people according to the student needs, it's so quick to, um adapt two different different teaching styles. I have also learned that controversy are there for each other always and however they can whenever they can, but really fully there for each other. I also learned from Thunderbird that the it is a great time right now to me, a thunderous to them to grab it from Thunderbird. We learn so many things about how to really, really create a sustainable progress. I want to say to my professors, thank you so much for putting the effort for giving us extra time for giving us extra patience wore for learning new ways of teaching that you have not done in years. Asked keep learning even if it's it in a beautiful setting and not in person.