Ride with me to class!
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Show you guys my way of getting around is not a bike. These people I have my longboard fossa pretty live out. So like I said before, there's a lot of table stuff. One of the cool things about living on campus for me is about five minutes for my classes. Three on the board Speedway kind of extends down pretty far, even though there's normally a large amount of people on, I can move pretty quickly and it's not too bad today. So we're gonna head through here where you'll see me dodge a massive people. So here I am, the wind ship building for theater and dance. The school Gee, Brockett and the pain since I am a theater major theater studies. Specifically I No, we're garden multiple aspects of theater, so I want to be working with the tactical logical sort of theater. So right now we just finished or I was working on so called Enron, which just now had an all female cast. We're definitely going inside the pain because that's what I'm working today. I think we're having some of the computers too, and have them talk to each other. There's a lot of stuff, okay? I don't know if you could see this. This whole area right here is a huge costume like shop, so it's dark now. I'll bring you back to later, but you can have, like, costumes from there's a large amount of costumes in here from time periods. Well, yeah, for multiple time, period, you can have, like, a power a pirate outfit get out of like, Oh, it's like a goodwill for actors being honest. See here and where we call where there's a lot of technology lying around here pleasing monitors, projectors, VJs, devi. Think about the stuff that you like in your Xbox was.