If You're In College, Please Watch This! | Struggles + Advice

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It feels so weird to, like, sit in front of the camera for a video like this. A little over 12 hours ago, my eyes were bloodshot, so crying because I've decided Thio drop, um, one of my classes for the summer and that class will literally be the only class keeping me from graduating in December. Possibly if I take physics in the fall, then I'll still gradually. I don't think I want the damage stress on myself in the floor. I think I'm just gonna take four classes and then just gradually in May, for a while I felt like school has been getting in the way of me taking care of myself. In January, I started self care Siri's and I don't know if you've noticed, but I haven't done a self care video in a while. Um, and I've always I kind of felt like school is the problem where school is the thing that kind of gets in the way of that, and I always preach like I'll take care of your mental health. Graduating is not a race, but yet it like Dave inside. I still have been racing to graduate at the expense of my mental health, so I've been kind of hypocritical innocence. I can give the advice that I know in the port name, but I don't I want to take it myself. I still see my counselor regularly, and on Wednesday she told me, Jasmine, it sounds like you're going to burn out because I was telling her just how genuinely unhappy I am constantly stressing over school like not having the motivation until I get up from my naps and do my work or just feeling tired, like, all the time, feeling tired before I even start. So I definitely want a bank mirror because she was one of the many people who was like telling me like Jasmine like It's not worth your health, um, toe like graduate in December. I feel like I've been pressuring myself to graduate December one because I'm so tired of being in college too, so tired of school, but too, because I kind of convinced myself that I would look like a loser because all my friends are already graduated like, especially the ones that have already gone. I went to high school with, and I guess it kind of just hurts my pride, because I did used to be not as like the nerd like a straight a student or just a smart girl, where whatever. I kind of fell back into putting my worth in my grades. Today I'm making the decision to you gradually, Leader and I just want anybody else in college or who's about to go to college to just really just use me as an example, like it's not worth it. Stress can get so bad that it affects you physically, and that definitely happens to me a lot more now. Yeah, I just wanted to come on here just really just have a heart to heart. This summer has been ruined because of the pressure. Have been putting on myself, and it's really not worth it up until today, toe graduate, but beyond your last. When you walk across the stage, don't make my mistake and put your worth in your grief. I feel like I've been doing a lot of that to which has been adding to the stress. Um, because I am still trying to get my g p a backup. I've been ex stressing over getting A's or at least bi. I finally reached a point where, like, Jeff, who cares? You know, who cares? If you gradually in 2020 you're getting a degree at the end of the day, you know? So, yeah, that's a good video, guys. I'm gonna cut it down so that it gets to the point. So thank you for watching and I'll see you guys in my next video.