I Failed 4 Classes?!! | My Experience at The University of Texas at Arlington

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Thio, you see a And so my first year you see a my sister, Wasn't it gonna be there? She's taking a break. I stayed a Casey Hall and it turns out that one of my sister's friends from high school deja also going to be at Casey Hall. So deja was literally mind only friend for like, the entire year that I spent at U T. A. And I was an English major. I was planning on being a teacher whenever, So I think this was the year that I waas, I think 19 turning 20 The summer before this school year, I was diagnosed with major depression. Like other semester progressed, Things just kind of started to go downhill. Motivation And I just really wasn't feeling it. I feel in English class, and then I gotta be in another class and I got to be And I was like, the wars I ever done. Of course, like we all do what we do, don't do so bad. Fall semester, you say? Yeah, do way better in spring semester. I've been taking entire president since, like my senior year of high school, So I already knew I had depression, but it had gotten works by 2016 The springs Mr going around 2017 and I were like there's days where I would not get out of bed like at all how it won't get to eat and literally like after Dr like what? A burger to get some food Because whatever's 24 hours and like the they said you would be closed by then and it was just horrible. So I ended up failing three classes that so much to 34 classes. So because of that I know I was with, like, pass a class and not feel it. It sells like, wow, like could be You're getting he wears, But yeah like at the end of spring semester, I had decided that, you know English really love it for me. That's where I met, like, over half of my friends. They went to like this step show for homecoming, but it wasn't really like fun for me. If you don't know homey raise, you go watch on my college blog's mirror way. I'm like about to cry because it's so funny that it makes me cry laughing every time. Amy and Mirabel look at each other like boy don't at the same time, and that's why I was like, Yeah, she don't be my friend for River. I really like Sorry, Deterring like my academic laugh around, I started making straight A's. I think those both semesters made straight A's and oh, so yeah, my GP. It was bad at this point because I feel it. That's why I emphasize so much on taking care of yourself mentally, because if you're not mentally, it's going to affect you physically, and it's going to affect your schoolwork. I wasn't really, like apart much of a party or ever blood was more so Just hang on, my friend. Joining a club is only met my friends, I did join Natural Kinks 1000 Natural Hair Club on campus. I've joined B s A. That was when I started to, like, turn around 90 experience my 30 year. I didn't really hang out with my like the Christian ministry anymore because I end up switching churches that still like really like still cool with most of them my time and the fall semester waas so much more like tough as far as my classes. I didn't really get to hang out as much with my friends and stuff by it definitely slowed down this year, wasn't nearly asked but has last year. Yeah, I was pretty much like, really, like lame this semester because I was really trying to focus on getting my grades up because I want to do physical therapy that requires really like your has they have requirements for keeping a sergeant. When any team was okay, it was hard, but it wasn't bad. And spring 2019 Oh, my gosh, I took five classes, but I was taking 18 credits. I put way too much on my plate in this semester, really helped me realize like a lot of the shares I went through was avoidable. So that's something that I'm glad I experienced and got through, so that now from the future, I know if it's too much, just drop it in later. Graduating on time is not everything that's right. All your friends are graduating already because if you don't know, I graduated class of 2015 for my school. You see, it's really chill like we're not like a big party school or whatever. It's definitely a lot more people in campaigns, but it's really chill. So if I could say there's one thing that I would change about my experience. Because my my experience wasn't like the late experience, my experience. Like saying I messed up in my first year, not make up for it by working extra hard and being a daring and single men losses. Well, I haven't had a bad time, So still grateful, But that has been my experience at UTA so far. Do you like the realist steak chill experience of universities? Because, you see, a lot of people were, like, super interesting on you. They're part of sorority, and they go to parties all the time when they have a hell of friends to meet you two videos with And I don't do that because I'm, like, tryingto bring my g p a backup for when I failed all those classes my fresh year. If you currently see a let me know how your experiences van. Don't be afraid to come say hi to me, but Yeah, Thank you for watching.