Dorms at UT Arlington!

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One of the most common questions that you guys dont about is doors. My drip looking at your drink, choosing a dorm at u T. A. Well, I always recommend these four. Okay, I recommend West Hole be integrated Casey home. Why? Because those are the newest and, you know, we're boozy evening days. They are the oldest ones on campus, but that doesn't mean they're Krusty. You take it as a pretty good job of making sure that it doesn't look run down. You go online looking at pictures yourself or even schedule tour. You can decide for yourself if you want to save money. I don't ever hear anything negative about these horribles. I've never just heard a place where it's like, Don't go to that door hall. Now let's get until why I recommend those four holes that I mentioned before. So you're a freshman and you want to make friends that I recommend. They think that I've noticed Manor Hall is every time somebody is walking out of vanity or fall on that you have a partner with them or they're walking in a big for okay, like people just always seem to have friends when they're walking in about a band of Paul. I think most of that is because Manager Paul is only doubles like there is no single dorms. It's always double room like your good how partner there with you. They also do this being called by G's G means freshman interest group, and I'm not sure if it's mandatory anymore. I think at one point it was mandatory and wonderful. Freshman interest groups are a way for you to meet other fresh Thank you. I have the same interest that you whether that your major, your hobbies, et cetera, I think Casey Hall, West Hall and Arlington also have freshman interest groups. Like I said, I don't think they're mandatory. Definitely recommended, though West Hall was tall is the newest dorm hall we have, and it also only has double rooms like there's no single doors. You know, I don't really know much about the reputation new, but it's brand new, so you want. The newest of the new West Hall is for you, but they're on the side of camp Base that is across the street from like the sea and all that. I made a new life student center, kind of like a new dining hall right by West Hall, so you don't have to walk all the way across to get food. There's a new dining hall right there, ready for you, and you're also right by the back. What's called a good spot for that? The only thing about being at West Hall, you probably have walk across the bridge at th if you have you ever been on campus? You know that there's a street and there's like, these bridges that crossed the street. You're probably going to cost that to get to most of your classes on the main portion of campus. I I'm not really down with the whole sharing being definitely check out our meeting hall and Casey. All those are the only dorms on campus where they offer the private rooms. So that's why leave the links in the descriptions. Well, I've had friends that live in Arlington home, and I have personally lived in Casey whole have a moving block from 2016 when I have been to Casey. Yeah, the way they're designed, it's kind of sweet. So you open up the door and he's like a little living area, and then you have three individual rooms. So there's a room with the bad desk closet, all that another room in another room. What you guys do is share a bathroom in a sink area. This is not a department, but that's pretty darn good if you ask me the same setup. They do have doubles and Casey, And now these dorm halls have things for you. I believe it's all that you're gonna have to double check for, like Trinity Hall. For my knowledge, all of these door homes have a kitchen area with free just over a scene, and hopefully, I don't know they are microwaves, but they might. You can rent out some pasta pains to cook with in the little common area kitchen.