College Vlog #4: New Dining Hall at UTA! | University of Texas at Arlington

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Gosh, like, you look like you're in third grade. We just finished with anatomy, and now we're on our way to the comments. So we're gonna go do their be the area, like work or whenever sleep sleeping. Yeah, the only reason I'm going is because if I don't, I'm gonna go home and go to sleep and not getting any of my work. Everybody's gonna get out of class and brush me just like everybody, right? Everybody has the same idea. I've been working on her, Uh, because, OK, he was like saying like, we could get food, but he doesn't start out sentences. He doesn't just say like, Hey, I'm thinking about getting us some lunch. Yeah, maybe, Like, hurry up your workout something? Yeah. Even if you're watching this, my lawyer will be talking to me. Or like sometimes I'll see, like another Chevy driving, uh, and then build you something mean way. When we were driving a car, that's the same as mine. Okay? No, because you know how upset starting with cars. Yeah, I feel like I'll see you like a luxury car in the parking lot. So what do they have? What did you do, Mike? You're at the dealership or something. They have little Flatley's as there where they make things work, Not realistic. Yeah, and their notes look like lot, not like he and writing. It's on the west side of campus, and I just finished eating examination. You guys looks like you have a lot of chairs gets We just have different stations set up. The one we have and then you see, is called the Connection. But yeah, I think it's been over for a while now. So now I'm just walking team one of the bus stop so I can get back on the shuttle. I didn't realize my headphones were like scraping against me the entire time, and that is a really annoying sound, so I'm just gonna get rid of it. I just don't wanna have to get rid of it completely. I will do better next time and be more conscious of it. I forget that it slams against my hair against my jacket all the time, So yeah, note to self. What I was saying earlier was that, um I voted yesterday and the woman I had to give her never mind. Had to give her my information because I didn't have my d She's on the phone with this lady getting my information. Why don't I have an idea? I don't have a tech society, but I live in Texas, so Yeah, it was complicated. She looks, she's on the phone and she's talking to this lady. She's looking down at my d. I gave her my driver's license and I gave her my military I d. And she goes, this is you in both pictures house like, Yeah, she was. I was like, What? Like, I've had someone tell me I look like I'm 12. I'm small on top of looking young, so it's deceiving. You could have bumped me up a few grades, maybe 6th 7th grade.