Apartments at the University of Texas at Arlington!

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I'm gonna jump into a conversation about apartments if you miss part one part about dorms. So let's just jump right back into it, okay? First thing I want to do is break down the difference between campus apartments and student apartments, campus apartment, our apartment directly associating with uta. Ta. So you're paying your rent kind of to UTA sense, But a student apartment is owned by a separate company who markets toward students because they build up their apartments purposefully around college campuses so that students will come live with them. You have to be very careful because UTA apartments are a lot different than apartments near UTA. If that makes sense with any apartment, shopping experience is very important that you do your own research. Even though I am a resource that you can use to get information on only one person, so definitely do your own research research on me and look up the reviews. It's very important that you do these things on your own when it comes to shopping for an apartment. O. So right here we have Google maps, and right here this is your table of guard. You'll have to Millbrook apartment area, which to be careful of campus edge on your team boulevard. You need to be careful with Midtown urban student housing. I will point out when it comes to places like that are really I haven't really heard much about anything happening in this area, but still be very careful. So this area in general Uta Boulevard be careful at night. Now I need to the actual apartments in cells based on reputation. I'm going to say right now that I do not recommend at the moment campus edge just because of one area to the management currently could be better. The way they handle things I have friends who have lived there who said it was trash, and so I just doesn't have the best reputation. As of right now, I haven't really heard that many positive things about campus age other than the fact that it's affordable, the next one that I would say to be careful of ISS metal run, of course, just doesn't the crime in the area. Timber broke with the crime in the area, not make some reputation based on location, another one that has to be careful with because of locations in Midtown. Better where you showing you but campus age is the number one we're just right now. Reputation of his age isn't the best But like I said, do your own research. Do your own looks at the reviews go to campus, Say it should be careful when they tour, going to give you a tour of the goal for any apartment. When you do it's war is to get you to want to sign the lease now I'm gonna do will recommend, so I definitely I lived in the early and took off early last year. Other ones that have decent reputations are one on one apartments. Think they finish building 2018 or the end of 2017? They're fairly new at first thing that bad reviews because they're brand new. Like I said, for every single thing I say, check your own and do your own research. Okay, okay, so I'm editing the video right now. One thing I want to add as a tip is when you're looking at reviews, look for reviews that are kind of repetitive. For example, if you see reviews, I saying like, Oh, Thomas is so nice And he was still very helpful and very sweet. All say, like so it was very nice, and it keeps popping up from, like, one month ago. So be very careful for reviews that are all saying similar things in a very like in the same time frame, because that's probably just like a fake review or just somebody who gave a review because they were told to, um so that definitely check the reviews. A lot of these were just apartment that I was listing off the top of my head regarding, like the good location in the fact that I haven't heard anything bad just because some of these apartment that I'm listing I haven't heard anything bad doesn't mean that there isn't anything bad, which is why I can't emphasize enough to do your own research. There's a brand new apartment complex that just I think about in the summer, but we finished being built eight for eight. Uh, the thing I will say about brain Department to be very careful because I'm like the dorm video, where it's like other brand new theme downside to bring apartments is that if there's anything that gone wrong construction or something that needs to be fixed, they're probably not gonna know about it until you live there and you experience it. So you have a guinea pig, and if there's anything wrong with the place, you're probably gonna be, you know, the person who has to deal with it until they fix it. So be careful that another thing I want to talk about regarding these apartments is that since they are companies that are braided towards students, they do not report your history to create means. Um, as far as like policing next, you have to kind of be careful. It's not gonna be like a normal apartment where you can, where there might be different contract options a lot of time. It's a full 12 months, and so if you want to go back home during the summer, you're gonna have to find someone to take over your lease or you're just gonna be paying for an apartment that you're not living in. So definitely look out for, like, how long is least and stuff like that, so that you're not stuck in a situation that you don't want to be in, but that is it regarding my recommendations on apartments. Living in apartments Yeah, thank you for watching you have any other, like, specific questions that I didn't really talk about. There were so many different things for you to look at on my channel. I'm sure you'll find one thing to keep you here.