7 Tips you NEED to Know Before College!

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If your new welcome every night you're welcome back Change of scenery Because everybody and they mama want to do some in my house today. You want to charge your phone, but you already have two things plugged up here. Number one for my tips for you guys is to choose your classes early, and it might sound like self explanatory like, of course, she's your classes early. Um, I say this because classes go really fast when there's a good teacher, and if you're there early, you have a better can'ts of getting the teacher you want. We're getting a really good teacher, plus you'll you'll have more options. Sometimes a lot of the mid day classes go by fast, and you'll be stuck with either a really early class or really late class, or choose your classes as early as you can. Basically, you look up a professor's name or school's name, and it will let you see the reviews on a certain teacher. The best part about it is it works for in junior colleges, community colleges of regular universities, pretty much any school you look up. It might not have all the teachers, but it has a lot of work as a variety of schools that you can look up not just regular universities. My tips for using Grandma professor is to avoid the teachers that get reviews that say that the teacher is unorganized. Some teachers are really good, but they're also really tough graters. Some of them will say tough, greater, super easy, laidback stuff like that know your limits. If the teacher gives a lot of work, can you handle that? Will you be doing extracurricular activities? Can you handle a lot of reading? Can you, um, handle tough grades? For example, if you're an athlete, um, you might not have time to do a lot of reading. You should probably avoid teachers that give a lot of reading assignments unless it just can't be avoided by each teacher. You're not gonna get a perfect teacher every time, but it further at least a three. I know if you're a freshman, usually your advisers picked your classes for you. Um, the best thing about college is that they give you a syllabus and basically list every single assignment, every single test you're gonna have ahead of time so that you know, there's this thing called Syllabus week. I promise you, you're not gonna use as many school supplies that you need you in high school unless you're major. If you're a freshman, you're probably not gonna need a lot of stuff. Don't go all out because I know a lot of YouTubers. I know a lot of teachers were put in the syllabus what book you're required to have for the course. Sometimes they do that because they have to wait until, like, the first day of class. People will tell you that everything you need to know is on the power points that the tests are based on the power points Ready Professor is like the number one tool for college students. Number five is kind of like, Really? Do I have to? Yes, you have to visit your advisor at least once during the semester just to see what classes you'll need to take for the next semester or what your options are. If you're not doing too well on class, advisers are definitely underrated. Find all of your classes at least a day or two before class starts. Nobody wants to be late to their first day of class. Number seven is really important, and I'm not encouraging you to drop your classes, but pay. It's under to your drop policy for your school. If a lot of us are on financial aid, so what they're do is if you drop your class before, Sir. Before you drop your class, also make sure that the class you want to switch into is available for you. Make sure you have it's the right class because you don't want to switch it to a class that you're not supposed to be in. Um, make sure you really, really want to drop that class. After a certain day, it'll show up on your transcript that you withdrew from the class. If you withdraw too late, you'll just get whatever grades you get along with all the missed assignments, um, on your transcript. There's so many that I could have told you guys in this video, but I wanted to keep it as short as possible. So I'm hoping you guys have good luck on your first day of college. You know what the deal is? Because I know some people go shopping for their supplies, like in July and August, and that's when all the back to school video start popping up. I wanted to be early so that you guys know what's up. We'll see you have a minute video like Jake, man, I'm gonna do it like a creep Me on you and you know me? I don't know.