College Vlog #6 | UT Arlington!
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Nowhere with black people, you go rotten in one hole. In the higher education system, final exams are considered especially heinous. At UT Arlington, the dedicated students who take these vicious tests are members of an elite squad known as the College Students Unit. These are their stories coming to you live from Dad and me. You could tell what appointment semester? Break the last week of class several guy. Have you seen the problem? No. Who is it? Kelly. You know, I don't look, it's trash that that I would what we have. I just changed my shirt underneath and nobody every times gold for this three days in a row. They have the lights up finally, and it looks really pretty. I have blue lights on regular trees, and then they have this big pine tree that's finally lit up for Christmas. They almost make you forget you're about to die because the final I mean, say hi, guys. There was one day I was here from 7%. Would lower go? Absolutely not. Win, I think tomorrow Oh, Friday, would you? Can't take her nowhere. A little scary, cause somebody else hold it because I'm not, Huh? Honey? Is that a Is that a police officer? Those Italy's opposite it. Oh, hey, How you doing, brother? Let me put this back about. Are you gonna say nothing either? You like rubbers? Ask questions later. So what? Get an hour of a free trial? Why don't you get it? As you were in during class, it was 100 cross. I did What? Did you get it in class? Because I wouldn't do to me. What's your creation? Okay, let me prepare myself. I you gonna cut to a commercial case? All right, Joe, that's about it for this Blogged. Um, it's been a really unorganized week because last week was pre dead week. Technically, there's no more classes until finals. So it's just gonna be studying from here on out. Thank you so much for watching these blocks this semester. I'll try to upload more videos like random videos of me. My friends still, um, I have a couple ideas that I want to shoot. That is it for this log, which just look on finals. If you're about to take finals, I wish you guys the best of luck.