5 Hacks Every UTA Student NEEDS to Know!
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Hey, guys, is jazz today? I have five packs that you need to know as a student at u T. A. I thought what better data upload this been on the first day of classes. So let's jump right into So beat number one using my map on your phone. I'm going to scream recorded and show you guys how to navigate the mobile system. Bruise long on on your phone, but there is a way to get it to look like a desktop on your phone. So the website is ta dot eating you force flash my map. So this is what you should see when you log onto the mobile web site. Scoot over this Oi! This is what you're gonna see when you walk on. It looks really weird and crazy, and there's nothing really going on. You're gonna click these three dots in the top, Great corner. You're gonna click now bar, and then you're gonna hit classic home and boom. Since we're already here, I want you guys to scroll into where it said it's set up mobile. You see, a has kind of like a snack slash food store set up on the second floor of the library, and they usually sells cup of noodles. If you don't know, cover news is ramen noodles, but in a cup and a lot of people make their noodles wrong, they put water in, and they put it in the microwave. What you can do is get a couple of noodles, buy it, of course, or just taking noodles and then go downstairs. We have an Einstein Bro's coffee shop on the first floor of the library. If they see that cup of noodles, they will take the cup from you. I didn't actually realize this until hang out with Mira and Ethan. Yeah, just take it downstairs in the hot water in there for you. I was like and it makes perfect sense because you need hot water to make coffee. So all they do is stick it under a hot water machine and they fill it up for you. Number four is about this being called the student planner. What you would do, you're gonna click student center, and then you are going Thio, quick. Over here, under academics to this thing called schedule planner. What you would do is you would click on what the term that you're currently in mentoring a quick statement. Scroll now click generate schedules and then click view, and then your schedule pops up and then what you could do. Add brake Now Brake doesn't have to actually be a break you could put OK, I have work. Then you could put from Let's see 1 p.m. Thio 7 p.m. On Tuesday, Thursday and Friday at break Generate schedules and a view and then boom. Now you have a place that said work on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. This is just a more interactive way to look at your planner. Of course, there are other planning APS, but UTA does offer its own schedule planning program through my mask. Take a screenshot of it, slide it in like the front pocket on your binder, or take a screenshot and save it to your phone. Last but not least, UTA has switched to using canvas this year. I'm used to block bored, but something that I did with black aboard that I think that you could do with canvas as well is I exported my calendar to my iPhone so that all the events in, like, the due dates and assignments that are due on your calendar and canvas will also show up, Uh, your phone. I'm already subscribed, so it can't do it again, But that would basically show of in your regular calendar. So if I click on the 30th it shows two assignments that I have you. Do you and I have a special project proposal assignment due on August 30th? So, Yeah, that was the last hat. Guys, let me know if you have any questions down below. What's your major raise? And I hope to see you around. If you do see me on campus, do not hesitate to stay. So this is what I would typically look like Or I might have my hair under a scarf.