Vaughn Quad

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So I did one Talk about the quad that we have on campus. I told you guys about there's a walkway in a one sided, just a huge place, just huge. We have a whole bunch of different stuff that goes on there. There's on table in events that go on there during rush week for fraternities or sororities. Um, and then there's also a lot of table ing for clubs and essentially what it is. You just go up to the table that you know what the club's about, you confined up If you want to be a part of it, there's a whole bunch of stuff that goes on there to raise money for the school. A professor like, pious, certain frak eye of a certain returned. There's like a whole bunch of different stuff always going on on that side. Uh, the other side is just tables of some umbrellas. That's where a lot of people like, you know, just hang out there. It's also a really nice place to hang out in between classes. I know sometimes I try to give my classes like back to back. So I have a ten to eleven fifty and then in twelve to two fifty, etcetera, and sometimes I'll get out of class early, But it's not really enough to go back to my apartment. There's too much time to just like, walk to my next class, so it's a nice place just to hang out. If you have some extra time in between classes to take a phone, colleges hang out whatever. I'm also kind of like off to the side of the quad is the Greek garden. One of the fraternities are stories that we have on campus right now. We do try to add a new fraternity or sorority every year or every other year, I would say as faras Greek life climate goes here. I know at some schools, it's kind of like you feel like you're forced to rush and you're forced to join a sorority or fraternity. Obviously, if it's something you want to join, it is most definitely an option for you. Um, and it's not just social sororities we do have been this business. Uh, degrees, specific fraternities and stuff like that. So there's definitely a bunch of different options for you. I was pressured to join it or is pressured to do it. People don't look at me rude when I say I'm not in a sorority or anything like that. We do have other hangout areas, like behind Starbucks. We can't have one of each door in place like there's one behind more Sani one. Here in Palm, there's little hangout place, so there are different places to hang out. I would say that's the main on just because it is so central to campus.