Tour of the Famous Plant Hall

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I'm currently standing outside of absolutely iconic Plant Hall, which used to be the Tampa Bay Hotel. This has been here since the late eighteen hundreds and is now home to many. Concert space is a museum, and this was lots of room. The's minarets are absolutely iconic here in Tampa, actually not just a school. So the first floor of plant hall is performance spaces, offices like admissions and the registrar's office, as well as lots of seating for students and then floors two through four our classrooms, as well as a couple different offices that belonged to professors. There's also on the fourth floor of the purser's office. This is actually my first time on the fourth floor, and what I'm noticing is as you get higher up on the floors, they get less and less busy. As you can see, there's no one around right now. If you go on to the first or the second Florida, there's a lot of kids. Now, let's see if I can sneak into a few classrooms and she gets around. There's a class in session This is a conference room located in Plant Hall. This is the Saunders Rating center and this where you can take your essence for class, get help. I'm currently heading to my religions class, which is located in plant home. I don't know whether existed or not if you did, you look like that means yes. There are student recitals held by the music students. Today it's in Fletcher Hall, which is right behind me, so that's going to go future.