Plant Hall and Sykes School of Business Tours!

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So I'm going to talk to guys about Plate Hall and the psych school of business. So play Hall is kind of like the image of what UT is. It's what town are logo's stuff like that? So plain hall. As you could see, it kind of just looks like a huge castle. It was originally built in the late eighteen hundreds. When I was first built, we've had like Teddy Roosevelt. We've had the Queen of England's day there, Babe Ruth. A whole bunch of really famous historical figures have stayed there. That's where, like everything less that's for like the students went to class. They're like Mercer's office, registrar's office, study abroad, office. Is there a lot of professors? Offices are there, but we also have a whole science wing, so some of your labs will be in their science. I had like my philosophy of religion class in there, my intro journalism class. There's a hunch, a bunch of miscellaneous classes. So you'll definitely have at least a couple classes and plant hell for at least some of your academic career. The other building I want to talk to you guys about is these six school of Business s O. Obviously your business major. That's where the majority of your classes will be. I've only had one or two of my communication major classes there's. So there are some miscellaneous classes that are housed in there as well. It didn't really have much of an impact on my academic career. There's a whole bunch of unique stuff in there. We do have a flag room that goes up a couple floors in the sex building, essentially what the flag room is. It's like each flag you see represents five seasons from that country who have graduated from you tea and we have over one hundred thirty flags, so there's definitely a bunch of diversity or school. It's like sixties, sixty students are out of state, twenty are in state and twenty percent are international. So you get just I'm always meeting new people always like getting to know like different cultures and stuff like that, which is super super awesome. We also have a really awesome program for an upper level finance class and essentially what it is. It's like, really, it's it's confusing. It's like you see its whole bunch of computers, whole bunch TV monitors with a bunch of numbers. I don't know what they mean, but essentially what happens is every semester we get donated a sum of money, and the students in that class got to use that really money. Put it into the rial stock market, and it's really exciting. Um, so obviously, if you make money, it goes back into the program. If you lose money, nothing happens to you like it's just It's a really awesome example of the real world experience that we have here on campus.