Meal Plans

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So for meal plans going to talk about how meal plans work. You have Thie Unlimited plan, Thie seven Meal Plan twelve meal plan and fifteen meal Plan. So as a freshman, you can either do the twelve or fifteen meal plan. You can also use the unlimited as a freshman as well. Um, you get unlimited meal swipes, but you're kind of stuck at ultimate dining. You also get seventy five spartan dollars that you can use like anywhere else you want on campus for food, and you also get a free meal swipes that you can use this well, so that was an option for you as well. You get to use those twelve or fifteen meals, and each place meal side includes, like couple different things. At our Triple A Mexican style restaurant, you could get like a burrito chips and a soft drink, and that is a meal swipe now, so how it works is you get a certain amount of spartan dollars with whatever meal planning choose. Um, and then told me You're going to get, like one twenty five or something like that. So the Spartan dollars you can use on anything on the menu that isn't included in a meal swipe. Usually most people sparking dollars go towards like Starbucks. Um, that like chicken being like the protein salad, like the protein box you can get as a meal. So I believe in that comes like a small coffee, hot chocolate or tea. Um, otherwise, if you want, like, any sort of fancy drink, just besides, like, black coffee, that is your spartan dollars. I do want to mention that meal swipes do not carry over into the next week. You wake up Monday morning and it will reset and you'll be back to your fifteen or your twelve. So if you don't want it to go to waste a lot, people go to Starbucks. Then you could just save that for, like, a breakfast foods in the morning or stuff like that. Blizzards, keep them in the freezer, and then you have that for the week, which is nice. So you kind of forget, like, if it's a good quality food or not, but I'd say it's pretty good. I know a lot of times when we have, like other teams that come to play us like for sports or whatever. They're competing against us, and it's on our campus. They always talk about how our food is so much better than theirs. So I'd say it's pretty good, pretty good quality. So another convenient thing that I want to talk about is we have Wal Mart, Publix and Walgreens that air like in walking distance from the school, which is really nice. So if you're sick of all the food you want to get. Like my gribble dinners, snack foods, healthy foods like forget stuff like that. You can go to public school, Wal Mart, walking distance, really convenience. You can get other foods through, not just like strictly stuck to eating campus food.