Dorming at University of Tampa

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There are seven residents halls, four freshmen on campus and then a few additional for upperclassmen. Most of them are a lot larger than Smiley, so smiley is only two floors. The residents holes in Fawn Center, there's six floors. What's nice about rooming here is there are many different communities that you could be a part of. There's a whole dorm dedicated to honor students called McKay, and that's right out by the water. So there are no communal bathrooms here at UT and any of the residence halls, which I think is great. Living on campus makes it really easy to get to classes, too, because parking here sucks pretty bad you can on Lee Park in very certain spots. I think during the week, students can only part in a certain parking garage, which is on the very outskirts of campus and not a convenient spot. If you are driving a campus, gonna make sure you save a lot of time to park and then walk all the way back to campus. So I like living on campus and not having a car, because I never have to worry about working before you get to class. After a freshman year, you can move into Palm apartments, which are actually really nice. They recently read redid that as well, uh, and they're more apartment style instead of like, normal dorm style. That's a pretty highly sought after hall toe livin. Um, and that's where I'm hoping or end of next year. Something that's important to know about UT and they're rooming is that as you move through the different years, it gets harder and harder to get rooming. So as a freshman, I'm pretty sure housing is guaranteed. Most kids have a hard time getting rooming here. A lot of kids move off campus by sophomore junior year. It's very rare to have, like, say, a senior living on campus unless they're ari. There are new apartment buildings being opened and bill every day, so there is plenty of options off campus. University of Tampa even runs a Facebook page dedicated to people finding off campus housing, something else to know, which is very important. If there's an overflow of freshmen or other students who need housing, um, they will put you in the very more hotel, which is off campus. You basically live in the hotel until there is housing available on campus or if there never is. Um, it's set up like a hotel that you'd stay in actual hotel rooms. Now that it's bad to live there, it's just inconvenient because then when a room does open up, you have to move all your stuff. Also you have to take a shuttle to and from the hotel to get on campus. I think rooming on campus is not that at all.