Thanks for Touring UT with Me!

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Okay, So now I wanted to give you guys some final little advice before tour ends. I mean, I think the transition from high school to college regardless, if you were going, like, twenty minutes away from home or twenty hours like it is a huge change, like it's it's setting you up to become your own independent adult, essentially is what it is. It's good because you still have enough enough to fall back on with your family and your parents and everything. Obviously there's not to fall back on at the university that you're not totally off on your own. There's also enough that, like the further into your education goes, the more independent you learn to get, um, two high school seniors, I would say, Please enjoy it. I know like you're probably so over high school and you're so ready for college. I know Islas and like I'm too good for this like I'm so over it. It was it was nice not having a whole bunch of responsibility, so don't take it for granted, because that is one thing I wish I didn't d'Oh also don't just not about college. I know it's really nerve wracking, especially if you're if you're moving far away or even if you're not, it's just like you're kind of like you're living on your own s O It is really nerve racking, but don't psych yourself out about it. Yes, college is, ah, lot different from high school. It is more difficult, but it's also a really fulfilling experiences. I think that's what people forget is I mean, essentially like once you get department your friends, it's like having a sleepover. They're best friends, like every single night, like it's just it's so much fun. Also it's important to balance that with work. I mean, like, you know you're going to school for something that you're going to be spending your life doing, and you should know you should be good at it. You should be putting all of your hard work into it. It's really all about balance and time management. It was really difficult for me to kind of used to how to manage my time in college, especially because you're so especially because you're schedule changes like every semester. Once you do, like, like I said, I worked really hard Monday through Friday and then I get to spend the weekend just hanging out, chilling out with friends. It's just I think that is the best way to experience. College is putting your all into everything you do, putting your all in to work and play.