Morsani and Vaughn Dining

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So I want to talk to you guys about food and her dining hall. I'm going to have one other food option that'll talk to you guys about, um so I guess they're going both my favorite like they both have different things to offer. So the first one is Einstein's, which is like your bagels breakfast. That is like one of our healthy food options on campus, so you could get like, salads or wraps. It's really nice because they have, like so it's kind of like set up like subway and you just like, choose, like what kind of like green do you want? Then what you want in and dressing and stuff like that which I really like. So you can switch it up so you don't get like the same salad every day on DH. Then we have Chick fil A Express. Like limited options of Chick fil A. But we do have some stuff there, like some sandwiches and like their nuggets and stuff like that, we have La Havana, which is Caribbean style food. Never been there, but all my friends say it's really good is one of their favorite places to eat. I guess you could say it's kind like McDonald's. I say it's a favorite because it's open toe like one two in the morning, depending on if it's a weak dare weekend, which is really nice. So if you're up late studying, are you coming back from a night out? Usually and the night at the grill, which is really nice. For meal slips and how all that works, I'm gonna be talking about in the next video. Just right now, you can use one meal swipe and like once you're in the ultimate dining like your like you could only use one meal swipe and like you're there. For example, let's see you go there for breakfast. I'm going as long as you stay in there the whole day, you could potentially get free meals for, like, one meal swipe, which is really convenient. So it's like buffet style and we have a bunch of different station. Then we have international, so there's a whole bunch of different stuff going on there like it would be like shrimp fried rice omelette, some sort of rice dish from sort of foreign dish. It changes, depending on the day, in the week number stations. So you get like your protein that your carbs and your vegetables pizza. Then we also have like burgers, case ideas, stuff like that, which is really nice. They offer gluten free vegetarian and vegan options, too, which is really convenient. Are other dining hall is more sahni and that is housed. Both dining halls are housed in the freshman dorms, which is convenient if you get place to one of those freshman dorm, so the other one is a more sunny on the first floor. I guess that's like maybe our fancy your food options. So we have Star Ginger, which is like your Asian style food could get so you can get like orange chicken vegetables. We have salsa rico, which is probably, like, the most favour on campus. So it's just me on a brutal bull, stuff like that. So it's like scrambled eggs or scrambled egg whites and then whatever feelings you want inside of it, which is pretty good on DH. Then they also have, like, sandwiches and stuff like that during the day. They're not open for dinner, so it's only breakfast and lunch. Pandiani is on the street, can get a salad, pizza libretti, which essentially like pizza crust. Then whatever feelings you want side of it looks really good. Um, and then I just have panache and that is, you can't use a meal slight, but you can use Spartan dollars towards it, and it's like it's a nice sit down butt face style restaurant. That's where you go on your first date here at U T. Just cause it is one of our nicer dining options and you don't need to use out of pocket money, which is nice. Also Dairy Queen, When I was coming in as a freshman, they told me that we were one of two campuses in the US that had Dairy Queen on their campus. I don't know if that's still true, but if it is, I think that's really funny thing. That's really awesome ways have gourmet grocer. So that is kind of like a little mini convenience store. They also a sushi bar and the sins She is actually pretty good. I should like everyday for sushi on DH. Then we also have Starbucks, which I did mention in the meal plan. You use meals types there, and that is also on the campus.