Why I Wanted To Work With CampusReel

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So the reason I wanted to work with campus really is because I looked at over thirty colleges. Umm, before I chose one like in person, sat through all the information sessions, walked all around campus, and almost none of the tours were memorable. I walked away from all the tours, feeling like I hadn't learned enough about the campus and feeling like I didn't really know anything about school. Then when I chose University of Tampa, um, for the months leading up to getting here, I was really stressed because I knew I didn't know much about school. I had no idea about the student culture for the academic culture. I kind of just chose it because it was in Tampa and it was stressful. I'm doing this because, um, I wish I would have had campus rial to look at before him. I wish I would've known about it because I think it would have taking a lot of the stress off of choosing a college and made it a lot easier to pick one. Especially since, like I flew from Florida to Boston to look at schools and you know it's important to see schools in person, but I think it would've been helpful. Also when I was getting down to choosing, like final schools, to be able to watch videos and really compare them and see what you know student life was like also, my major new media is centered a lot around, um, making videos like this. So I thought it was a perfect match, and I have been making videos like this since I was like, eight years old. I've been filming and editing videos for as long as I can remember. If I could take a little bit of the stress off of someone trying to pick a school, I would love to do that, especially since I feel like I went in so blind. So I just thought it would be nice to help someone out, and I thought the fit was perfect.