Why I Chose University of Tampa

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Why did I choose UTI? Uti was one of the on ly schools that I applied to that I hadn't looked at beforehand. Then a few months later, in January, I came and I toured. I sat through the informational session, and before I even got to go on the actual tour, I knew I was gonna come here. I don't know why it just clicked, and all of a sudden I was like, No, this is a school for me. I hadn't gotten that feeling anywhere else, which is crazy because everyone says, like, As soon as you get there, you will feel it. I did feel it, which is I always thought that was dumb, but it's true. First of all, it's only three hours away from my family, which is really nice that I can still go home when I want Teo. It's also in a city That was a big deal for me. I grew up in a very, very small town surrounded by cornfields and cows, and I did not want to go back there, especially since I knew that I wouldn't be able to have a car. I wanted to be able to, you know, uber or take a train or walk anywhere they wanted to go. I didn't want to be stuck on campus all the time, and everyone always told me, You know, like your life is on campus, your life's on campus and it is on campus. People, too, walk a mile and be in a completely different area and have stuff to do or take a ten dollar override and go see a movie. I love hanging out on campus, and I really like it here and it's gorgeous, But it is nice for you to get off once in a while and just take a breather. Um, even though I did not know what I wanted to do completely. I did know that at some point I wanted to be taking some business classes. Beauty is ranked the seventh most valuable business school in the country, and so now I'm getting my minor in marketing, so it's perfect because I am in the business school. That was like a big deal, especially to like my parents. When I got on campus, I noticed there was a lot of construction. Even though UT is an older school, they are constantly expanding and renovating their older buildings. It's just like a growing, thriving culture that they're trying to create here, which I just thought was great. There are offering new majors, for example, new media, which is what I'm majoring in. They're just growing and changing for the better, which is something that I really wanted in a school. It's great to go to an established school that has all those great things. It's also awesome to go to a school that doesn't have everything but is working on it and is in the process of. UT just has a really gorgeous campus, and I love it here. I love the buildings and the architecture here It's just gorgeous is just a great place to be.