Meal Plans

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As a resident, you can either choose seven, twelve, fifteen or unlimited meals a week. The seven is only available to the residents who are living in a dorm that has a kitchen available to them. So freshman either have to choose the twelve fifteen or unlimited. I recommend it Spartan dollars come with all of the student meal plans, and the amount of spartan dollars that you get just depends on the plan that you choose. Spartan dollars can be used at any of the eating locations on campus. If I wanted a blizzard from Dairy Queen, but I didn't want to use a meal sweat because they don't want a hot dog as well, like use my spark dollars to pay for that. I go into the grocery store all the time and get a box of cereal using my spark dollars. If I go to the Asian place and I want to add on an egg roll, I can use my spartan dollars. So with the twelve meals a week, you get one hundred fifty with the fifteen, you get one hundred, and with Ian lemonade, you get seventy five. The great part about the twelve in the fifteen is that you can use a combination of all right, dining in the dining hall and dining anywhere on campus and use meal exchanges. If I wanted to eat at Chick fil A every single day, I could do that if I wanted to not eat in the dining hall Once, I could eat at all the different dining locations on campus every single day all week. With the unlimited, you only get three meal exchanges so you could eat. You could constantly be going into ultimate dining every single day, uh, and eating there, and that would be fine. If you want to Chick fil A one day and you already used your three mil exchanges, you're gonna have to pay with cash with your card or with Spartan dollars and you only get seventy five. Everyone who has unlimited complaints they do not like it. I I would not recommend I have fifteen, which means I get two meals everyday, plus an extra.